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A function is a term used in mathematics and logic to denote a relationship between input and output variables. Each variable is restricted to binary (0, 1) values The relationship is the complex of three primitive functions (And \\Not\\Or)
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一、电力线和变压器的运行状况的计算和分析 二、简单电力网络的潮流分布和控制
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simple counters Counting is a fundamental function of digital circuits. A digital counter consists of a collection of flip-flops that change states (set or reset) in a prescribed sequence
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第七章半导体存储器 存储器—用以存储二进制信息的器件。 半导体存储器的分类: 根据使用功能的不同,半导体存储器可分为两大类: (1)随机存取存储器(RAM)也叫做读/写存储器。既能方便地读岀所存数据,又能随时写入新的数据。RAM的缺点是数据易失,即一旦掉电,所存的数据全部丢失 (2)只读存储器(ROM)。其内容只能读出不能写入存储的数据不会因断电而消失,即具有非易失性。存储器的容量:存储器的容量=字长(n)×字数(m)
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Synchronous sequential circuit memory, usually consisting of flip-flops, update circuit states information All flip-flops share a common clock pulse input The clock input is not a binary value representing the time of day but rather a\synchronous\train of pulses. Synchronous memory changes its data only at certain time intervals The flip-flops can change state only on a clock pulse edge
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Analysis Analyze existing circuits to determine their function Synchronous sequential circuit The basic modeling structure Two circuit models: Mealy model& Moore model Three approach used to describe the circuit: Logic function equation
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第四章组合逻辑模块及其应用 4.1编码器 一编码器的基本概念及工作原理 编码——将特定的逻辑信号编为一组二进制代 码。 能够实现编码功能的逻辑部件称为编码器。 一般而言,N个不同的信号,至少需要n位二进制 数编码
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Sequential Circuit Models Yo Combinational logic Universal combinational circuit model No memory units No feedback from logic outputs back to the inputs
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Registers, formed from collection of flip -flops, are used to store or manipulate data or both. Input and output function associated with registers include Parallel input/ Parallel output Serial input/ Serial output Parallel input/ Serial output OSerial input parallel output
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欢迎大家进入计算机世界 这是一个美妙的世界 1.21世纪是一个复合型人才需求的世纪,不懂电脑,不会操作电脑,将会是新时代的文盲! 2.本课程正好是引导大家进入这个美妙世界的入门课,这里将有许多美好而有意思的东西等待大家来学习,因此它是一个有趣的世界。 3.老师领进门,修行靠个人。 4.实践出真知。本门课,实践性非常强,大家除了课堂上机外,平时应多接触电脑,加强实践
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