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市场营销战略 财务战略 生产战略 研究与开发战略 人力资源战略
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1、折扣定价策略的含义: 折扣定价策略是为鼓励顾客 及早付清货款、大量购买或淡 季购买而采取的价格调整策略
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Factors to Consider Before Going global Selecting Foreign Markets Foreign Market Entry Product Adaption for Global Marketing Management Organization of global Activities C2000 Prentice Hall
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Product Characteristics Building Managing the Product Mix& Product Lines Brand decisions Packaging& Labeling
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Service Definitions Classifications How Services Differ goods Improving service Differentiation, Quality, Productivity Improving Customer Support Services
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Objectives Work Performed by marketing channels Channel-Design Decisions Channel-Management Decisions Channel Dynamics
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Objectives a Retailing n Wholesaling a Market logistics
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第一节 产品整体概念 第二节 产品组合 第三节 产品生命周期 第四节 新产品开发
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Objectives The communications Process A Developing Effective Communications a Deciding on the Marketing Communications Mix a Managing and Coordinating Integrated Marketing Communications
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