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Chapter 2 The Modigliani-Miller theorem \When capital markets are perfect and complete, corporate decisions are trivial.\ 2.1 Arrow-Debreu model with assets 2.1.1 Primitives
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The principal-agent problem describes a class of interactions between two parties to a contract, an agent and a principal. The legal origin of these terms suggests that the principal engages the agent to act on his(the principal s behalf. In economic applications, the agent is not necessarily an employe
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The principal-agent problem The principal-agent problem describes a class of interactions between two parties to a contract, an agent and a principal. The legal origin of these terms suggests that the principal engages the agent to act on his(the principals) behalf. In economic applications, the agent is not necessarily an employe of the principal. In fact, which of two individuals is regarded as the agent and which as the principal depends on the nature of the incentive problem
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精密机械设计的基础知识 1概论 一机器设计应满足以下要求: 1、功能要求 2、可靠性要求 3、精度要求 4、经济性要求 5、外观要求 二零件设计满足要求: 三零件的主要失效形式:
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一、单项选择题 1、道德是一种行为规范,它所包含和要解决的主要矛盾是()。 A.善与恶、正义与非正义 B.公正和偏私、诚实和虚伪 C.经济基础和上层建筑 D.个人利益和整体利益
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《电子商务概论》测试题(1) 一、说出下列电子商务英文的中文意思 8.ca9. CERNET10. CHINAGBN11. CHINANET12. CIETNET
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《电子商务导论习题集》 综合练习题 一、判断题 1、CPU中运算器( ArithmeticalUnit)的主要功能是完成对数据的算术运算、逻辑运算和 逻辑判断等操作(T)
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《电子商务导论》综合案例集 目录 案例1:海尔电子商务模式分析 案例二:戴尔电子商务模式分析
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自由主义的起源 14至18世纪欧洲的思想大动荡一 一、自由主义( liberalism)对传统的反动个人理性、个人自由、保护私有财产 二、自由主义政治经济学对重商主义的反驳斯密( Adam smith):1776年的《国富论》
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古典马克思主义 资本主义生产:资本、 Karl Marx, 1818-1883 劳工、剩余价值与剥 削 阶级斗争与阶级分析: 统治阶级与被统治阶 级、作为工具的国家 亚细亚生产方式:国 家与公共财产、国际 资本主义发展了落后 国家
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