Atomic Structure All natural and most synthetic substances on earth are made from the ninety naturally occurring chemical elements. An atom is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided while still retaining the chemical characteristics of that element (fig 3. 1). The nucleus, at the center of the atom contains one or more particles with a positive electrical charge(protons fif and usually some particles of similar mass that have no charge(neutrons
3.1 X(eo)=2xnJe-jon where x[n] is a real sequence. Therefore X(e)=Rl∑xnlo/。 ∑xR(-mu)=∑ x[n]cos(on),and xmm)=m∑刈nm∑刈mc-m)=-2 xn] sin(oon) Since cos(on)and sin(on)are, respectively, even and odd functions of o, Xre(eJo) is an even function of o
Through the study of these two periods of class, the students should understand the text correctly. The new words should be read fluently. The new words and the expressions in the text should be learnt by heart
People from different cultures have d ifferent ideas about the food. We may have our food likes and dislikes because of nutritious and religious reasons. However, far beyond these; they are also a result of the ways of life of d ifferent people. For example