▪ Features of Good Relational Design ▪ Functional Dependencies ▪ Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies ▪ Normal Forms ▪ Functional Dependency Theory ▪ Algorithms for Decomposition using Functional Dependencies ▪ Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies ▪ More Normal Form ▪ Atomic Domains and First Normal Form ▪ Database-Design Process ▪ Modeling Temporal Data
The Need for Databases Data Models Relational Databases Database Design Storage Manager Query Processing Transaction Manager [美] 西尔伯沙茨(Abrahm Silberschatz),[美] 科思(Henry F.Korth),[美] 苏达尔(S.Sudarshan) Database System Concepts Sixth Edition Avi Silberschatz Henry F. Korth S. Sudarshan McGraw-Hill ISBN 0-07-352332-1 Face The Real World of Database Systems Fully Equipped
Features of Good Relational Design Atomic Domains and First Normal Form Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies Functional Dependency Theory Algorithms for Functional Dependencies Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies More Normal Form Database-Design Process Modeling Temporal Data
Complex Data Types and Object Orientation Structured Data Types and Inheritance in SQL Table Inheritance Array and Multiset Types in SQL Object Identity and Reference Types in SQL Implementing O-R Features Persistent Programming Languages Comparison of Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases
▪ Overview of The SQL Query Language ▪ SQL Data Definition ▪ Basic Query Structure of SQL Queries ▪ Additional Basic Operations ▪ Set Operations ▪ Null Values ▪ Aggregate Functions ▪ Nested Subqueries ▪ Modification of the Database
▪ Complex Data Types and Object Orientation ▪ Structured Data Types and Inheritance in SQL ▪ Table Inheritance ▪ Array and Multiset Types in SQL ▪ Object Identity and Reference Types in SQL ▪ Implementing O-R Features ▪ Persistent Programming Languages ▪ Comparison of Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases