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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Software Design Systems Development Communication Information
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:356.5KB 文档页数:65
Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:135.5KB 文档页数:44
Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System put Process Output Systems Develepment Communication Information
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一、传播的特征 传播的英文: Communication 借助于语言、文字、形象来传达或交流观念和 知识 传播就是“信息交流” 公关中,传播指社会组织利用各种媒介和方 式,有目的、有计划地与公众进行双向信息 交流,达到沟通、理解的过程
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第一节细胞信号转导系统概述 细胞通讯(cell communication):指一个细胞发出的信息通过介质传递到另一个细胞产生相应反应的过程
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I Greetings IL. Review: the new words and phrases of Unit Three II Start the new lesson 1. Introduction: Listening passage: People judge other people within the first seven seconds of meeting them. You can have a positive effect on other people through using your eyes, face and body in unspoken communication
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Unit 2 Aims TextA Words accompany, attractive, crazy, influence, I communication create instrument, mostly, perform, popular, similar, I entertain, export, festival symbol musical, occasion, religion
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Words accompany, attractive, crazy, influence, I communication create instrument, mostly, perform, popular, similar, I entertain, export, festival symbol musical, occasion, religion religious. remind Phrases be similar to, go back to, grow up, have all over, bring together,go influence on, not only . but also
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