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The modern frozen food industry was started by Clarence Birdseye in America in 1925. As a fur trader in Labrador Birdseye had noticed that fillets of fish left by the natives to freeze rapidly in arctic winters retained the taste and texture attrib￾utes of fresh fish better than fillets frozen in milder temperatures at other times of the year. Frozen foods were available before Birdseye’s pioneering innovations, but they were of poor and uncertain quality. Birdseye’s insight was that speed of freezing is crucial to retain quality and he was the first to develop machinery
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There are two main limit ations in the use of Hoo theory for compensator design. First, only full complex perturb ations() Cnm can be treated in a non-conservative way in an Ho robust st ability test. Second, robust performance can only be handled in a conservative way even for full complex perturbations since st ability and performance can not be separated in the Hoo structure
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202.The length of a sound is the length of time during which it is held on continuously in a given word or phrase. The principal facts concerning length in English are given in the following rules: 203. Length of vowels 1.English vowels [i:], are longer than the other English vowels in similar context,i.e when surrounded by the same sounds, and pronounced with the same degree of stress Thus the vowels in bead
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Introduction The single term ‘milling’, applied in the con￾text of cereals, covers a wide range of processes. In general they are methods of transforming whole grains into forms suitable for consumption or for conversion into consumable products. Milling processes do not themselves involve intentional heating, although in some cases, as in oat processing, a heating phase precedes the milling, and in maize dry milling a drying phase is included
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When we talk, we don't talk in single words but in groups of words spoken continuously. These groups of words which are closely connected in meaning and in grammar are called sense groups. sense group is tone-group-(语调群) in intonation. long sentence can be cut up into two or more tone-groups We may make a short pause after each group, but not during the group
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连续时间马氏链 仍记状态空间为S={0,1,2,…} 定义设随机过程X={X(t),t≥0}对于任意0≤to0就有 P{(tn+1)=in+1(to) io, X (t1) =i1,.,()= in} =P{X(tn+) in+()= in} 则称{X(t),t≥0}为连续参数马尔可夫链(简称连续参数马氏链)
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Ch. 18 Vector Time series 1 Introduction In dealing with economic variables often the value of one variables is not only related to its predecessors in time but, in addition, it depends on past values of other variables. This naturally extends the concept of univariate stochastic process to vector time series analysis. This chapter describes the dynamic in
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原位杂交(In situ hybridization) 1、同位素原位杂交(Isotopic in situ hybridization) 70年代。 2、非同位素原位杂交(Non--isotopic in situ ybridization) 80年代中后期 (1)免疫酶联 (2)荧光原位杂交(Fluorescence in situ ybridization,SH)
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Theoretically, there are clear differences between the environmental con- ditions required for cooling, which is a heat removal/'temperature reduction process, and those required for storage where the aim is to maintain a set product temperature. However, in many air-based systems, cooling and storage take place in the same chamber and even where two separate facil- ities are used, in many cases not all the required heat is removed in the
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Pierre de Fermat Andrew John Wiles Cubum autem in duos cubos, aut quadratogu in duos quadra- toquadratos, et generaliter nullam in infinitum ultra quadratum potestatum in duos ejusdem nominis fas est dividere: cujes rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet
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