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There is ahvays a temporary tradeoff befween inflation and unemploy from inflation per se, but from unanticipated inflation, which generally means, from a rising rate of inflation Milton friedman Most economists analyze short-run fluctuations in aggregate income and the price level using the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply. In the IS-LM modek hapters, we examined aggregate demand in some detail. The IS-LM model-together with its open-economy cousin the Mundell-Fleming model-shows how changes in monetary and fiscal policy and shocks to the money and goods markets shift the aggregate demand curve. In this chapter
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§ 1. Introduction § 2. Digestion in the mouth & esophagus § 3. Digestion in the stomach § 4. Digestion in the intestine § 5. Digestion in the colon § 6. Absorption in the small intestine
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▪ Overview of Beverage industry and Non-alcohol business trend in the world and in China ▪ Coca Cola business model and brands and products ▪ The consumer value Coca Cola created and What can Coca Cola do to make clients happy and loyal ▪ Consumer market analysis of Coca Cola ▪ SWOT and Competitor analysis in China ▪ How to face the challenges in China
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In lecture D2 we introduced the position velocity and acceleration vectors and referred them to a fixed cartesian coordinate system. While it is clear that the choice of coordinate system does not affect the final answer, we shall see that, in practical problems, the choice of a specific system may simplify the calculations considerably. In previous lectures, all the vectors at all points in the trajectory were expressed in the
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连续时间马氏链 仍记状态空间为S={0,1,2,…} 定义设随机过程X={X(t),t≥0}对于任意0≤to0就有 P{(tn+1)=in+1(to) io, X (t1) =i1,.,()= in} =P{X(tn+) in+()= in} 则称{X(t),t≥0}为连续参数马尔可夫链(简称连续参数马氏链)
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原位杂交(In situ hybridization) 1、同位素原位杂交(Isotopic in situ hybridization) 70年代。 2、非同位素原位杂交(Non--isotopic in situ ybridization) 80年代中后期 (1)免疫酶联 (2)荧光原位杂交(Fluorescence in situ ybridization,SH)
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What is Metamorphism?1) Metamorphism is the change in form that happens in Earths crustal rocks in response to changes in temperature and pressure
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Lead-in activities What is ethics in our country? Honesty and modest are two basic ethics in our country. A society with ethics is a society with prosperity, so is business. 2. By far, which country is the relatively clear country in the world? Why? Singapore. two possible reasons: near-perfect welfare system; high salary for all the working people
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When an electric charge is supported at rest in a static gravitational field, its electric field is not supported with the charge, and it falls freely in the gravitationa field. Drawing the electric field lines continuously in time, we find that they always emerge from the charge, but the electric field is curved and there is a stress force between the freely falling (curved)field and the static charge. The charge radiates
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