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Ⅱ. Listening skills Identifying prices M: I want two correction pens and a notebook. How much are they? W: $1.95 for each correction pen. $5.00 for the notebook Q: How much does the man have to pay? 2. W: Ooh, it's only $9.8. I bet Jane would love this blue vase. Flowers are really her thing
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Ⅱ. Listening skills Listening for People' s Food Preferences 1. M: Jenny, the main courses here are steak, chicken or fish. Each comes with rice. So, what looks good to you? W: Gee, I had chicken last night, and I often eat fish for dinner. Maybe I'll have steak
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Ⅱ. Listening skills Listening for Telephone numbers 1. W: I' m wondering if the weather will be good for us to go cycling on Saturday M: Let's call the weather office. I know the phone number. It's 661-3047. If the weather is going to be bad, we'll have to wait for another week Q: What's the phone number for the weather office?
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1.Objectives of this lecture; 2.Definition of a sentence; 3.Types of sentences; 4.Sentence patterns; 5.Short and long sentences; 6.Loose and periodic sentences; 7.Ways to establish links between sentences; 8.Common sentence problems
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1、本卷的第一部分至第四部分的答案做在答题卡上。请必用铅笔按要求涂卡。. What oes Laura's' mother think of Laura? 2、本卷的第五部分(作文)写在答题纸(最后一页)上 A. Laura really needs a full-time job
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I. Put the following sentences into Chinese: (4 points for each) 1. The current reaches the maximum value when w = w 0 , similar to the situation in a series resonant circuit. 2. With the switch on position 1, the output impedance will be maximum. 3. The greater the nuclear mass, the less of the neutron's energy is transferred to thenucleus
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阅读理解常考题型:(一) 1、识别中心论点。 在阅读理解中,考生经常会遇到下列形式的问 题: Which of the following best expresses the main idea? The title that best expresses the idea of the passage... The author's main purpose in writing this passage is... Which of the following best states the theme of the passage? What's the main idea of the passage?
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Teaching Objectives 1. know the background of \Middle Eastern Bazaar?\ 2. grasp the main idea and the theme of this essay 3. master the language used in a special way in the essay 4. appreciate the description writing skills in advanced level 5. conduct a series of discussing, analyzing, presenting activities related to the theme of this essay
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1.不定式构成谓语 不定式构成谓语有下面几种方式: 1)不带to的不定式和某些助动词构成谓语 Shall help you?
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Lead-in The news that a sheep in Scotland has been successfully cloned 1) got me wondering What good would it be to clone humans? What would I do with a clone of myself? Then 2) it hit me that I could have my clone go into work for me while went out hiking, biking, sking,etc.! really could be in two places at once
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