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自然保护区是近代人类为保护生态环境和自然资源, 面对生态破坏挑战的一大创举,是人类进步文明的 象征。中国是世界自然资源和生物多样性最丰富的 国家之一,中国生物多样性保护对世界生物多样性 保护具有十分重要的意义。经过40多年的努力,中 国的自然保护区建设取得了显著的成绩。目前中国 70%的陆地生态系统种类、80%的野生动物和60% 的高等植物,特别是国家重点保护的珍稀濒危动植 物绝大多数都在自然保护区里得到较好的保护
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目录 第一章总则 第二章野生动物保护 第三章野生动物猎捕管理 第四章野生动物驯养繁殖管理 第五章野生动物经营利用管理 第六章奖励和惩罚 第七章附则
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不管采取什么办法,人类越来越明白这样一个道 理:保护动物就是保护自己。 正如一位学者所说,保护珍稀动物不仅限于增加 它的数量,其意义在于保护它所代表的整个生态 系统,生态系统保护下来,水土资源也就保护下 来,我们的未来也就得到了保护
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二十世纪就要结束了,在人类即将跨入新的千年之际, 地球上的野生物种却陷入全面的危机。据国际自然与 自然资源保护联盟(IUCN)最近公布的全球物种受危 状况,濒临灭绝危险的野生动植物共10954种。仅动物 界中,全球鱼类的三分之一、哺乳类的、鸟类的及爬 行类的四分之一,都已高度濒危。IUCN在2000年的红 皮书中,被重新划定级别的17种动物物种中,包括了 中国的藏羚羊,它是从易危级(V灭绝几率较高),上升 为濒危级(EN灭绝几率很高)的,如果再度升级,进入 极危级(CR野外随时灭绝的几率极高),那便离最后的
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What is virtue Virtue is goodness(善良) Virtue is fine qualit!y(优良品质 Virtue is love for truth(热爱真理) Virtue is lofty character(崇高的人格) Virtue is noble behavior(高尚的行为) Virtue is beauty of mind(美丽的心灵) Virtue is sharing others' pain.(分担他人痛苦)
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Information content of a random variable Random variable x Outcome of a random experiment Discrete R V takes on values from a finite set of possible outcomes PMF: P(X=y)=Py) How much information is contained in the event X=y? Will the sun rise today Revealing the outcome of this experiment provides no information Will the Celtics win the NBa championship? Since this is unlikely, revealing yes provides more information than revealing Events that are less likely contain more information than likely events
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Sampling Sampling provides a discrete-time representation of a continuous waveform Sample points are real-valued numbers In order to transmit over a digital system we must first convert into discrete valued numbers
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The signal suffers an attenuation loss l Received power PR= PT/L Received snr=E,/No, Eb=Pr/Rb Antennas are used to compensate for attenuation loss Capture as much of the signal as possible
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Noise is additional\unwanted \signal that interferes with the transmitted signal Generated by electronic devices The noise is a random process Each\sample \ of n(tis a random variable Typically, the noise process is modeled as\Additive White Gaussian noise”(AWGN) White: Flat frequency spectrur Gaussian noise distribution
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Cyclic Codes a cyclic code is a linear block code where if c is a codeword, so are all cyclic shifts of c E.g., 1000, 110, 101,011 is a cyclic code Cyclic codes can be dealt with in the very same way as all other lbc s Generator and parity check matrix can be found a cyclic code can be completely described by a generator string G All codewords are multiples of the generator string In practice, cyclic codes are often used for error detection(CRc) Used for packet networks When an error is detected by the received, it requests retransmission
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