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第一节涉外民事诉讼程序概述 第二节涉外民事诉讼中的管辖 第三节涉外诉讼送达、期间和财产保全 第四节司法协助
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◼ 成本的概念 ◼ 短期成本曲线 ◼ 短期产量曲线和短期成本曲线 ◼ 长期总成本 ◼ 长期平均成本与长期边际成本
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◼ 基数效用论与边际效用分析法 ◼ 序数效用论与无差异曲线分析法 ◼ 收入效应与替代效应
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本章要讨论的问题: 一、什么是西方经济学 二、现代西方经济学的由来和演变 三、西方经济学企图解决的两个问题
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Teaching aims Have a general introduction about the course---a. what can students learn from le course b students' course evaluation 2. Have a general introduction about hotel and lodging industry
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Chapter I Entry 第一条外国人入境,应当向中国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关 申请办理签证。 Article I For entry to China, aliens shall apply for visas to Chinese diplomatic missions, consular posts or other foreign-based agencies authorized by the Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
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(于1993年3月1日起施行) 1限制进境物品 (1)无线电收发信机、通信保密机 (2)烟、酒 (3)濒危的和珍贵的动物、植物(均含标本)及其种子和繁殖的材料
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1. Special in Guilin Guilin Three Treasures: Fermented Bean Curd; Chilli Sauce; Sanhua Liquor Guilin rice noodle Yao Minorities'Oil Tea Yangshuo beer fish Fish from the clear water of Li River, Lingchuan dog meat Lipu steamed port with taro Stewed duck with gingko nuts Guilin field snails
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Front Office Operation() 前厅部(一) 重要提示:前台、预订、行李、总机房等机构的设置起到客 人对酒店的\第一印象\和\最后印象\的关键作用 解决问题:
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Entry Tourists must fill out a baggage declaration form(in two copies )and hand it in to customs, retaining the carbon to show upon exit
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