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Ch. 21 Univariate Unit Root process 1 Introduction Consider OLS estimation of a AR(1)process, Yt= pYt-1+ut where ut w ii d (0, 0), and Yo=0. The OLS estimator of p is given by and we also have
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一、决策问题与0-1变量 决策变量x,--是否做第i件事i=1,2,…,n
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3.3割平面法 一、基本思想
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3.1整数规划问题 一、实例
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北京大学光华管理学院:《证券投资学》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第6章 套利定价理论(APT)
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Testing for a Fractional Unit Root in Time Series Regression Chingnun Lee, Tzu-Hsiang Liao2 and Fu-Shuen Shie Inst. of Economics, National Sun Yat-sen Univ Kaohsiung, Taiwan Dept. of Finance, National Central Univ, Chung-Li, Taiwan
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Ch. 9 Heteroscedasticity Regression disturbances whose variance are not constant across observations are heteroscedastic. In the heteroscedastic model we assume that
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北京大学光华管理学院:《证券投资学》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第8章 债券价值和风险
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了解长期投资决策的基本概念及其经济效益 评价基础,掌握长期投资决策方案经济效益评价 的主要经济指标计算原理,并应用这些原理对长 期投资决策进行对比与选优
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