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原子簇(团簇) cluster C660 Roundest and most symmetrical molecule known to man Compressed becomes stronger than diamond Third major form of pure carbon Heat resistance and =0.77nm electrical conductivity
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not repeated in the same additive term where the index appears. Free means that the index represents all the values in its range Latin indices will range from 1 to, (i,j, k
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properties of finite dement soltions Noded point equilibrio At a node, the sow of he elemeat nodal forces s in equilibriun with Hhe externed loads
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How many quadrature points do you need to integrate a polynomial of order p= 3 exactly using Gauss'method
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Concept Question How many quadrature points do you need to integrate exactly the stiffness matrix of a lD finite element with quadratic interpolation for the displacements? gauss
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4.3 样本总容量n的确定 4.4 分层的若干技术问题
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The finite element method(I for three-diwnensional robles Potential enery applied to one eleet
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cmaulenon o isoparametRic elemets (Bathes book Consider the uadriltersd denat shown in the 8oc nodd coordinates
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