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第一单元同步强化测试 I. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1 his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others. A. Unlike B. Liking C. Alike D. Dislike
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I Greetings Il. Review: the key words and phrases of Unit Two II Start the new lesson 1 Introduction: In this story, a son describes how shamed he felt as a youth when he walked down the street with his crippled father. The son did not like how people stared at them. His father never let on that he saw any of this. He was very active and enjoyed life
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Intensive Study Reports on Britain Under the Bombs Para.1 Night after night, in the hot summer and early fall of 1940, a deep, steady voice came over the Atlantic Ocean from England to America, telling of England's battle for survival under the waves of German bombers. This strong and steady voice, an
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Intensive Study There's a Lot More to Life than a Job Para.1 It has often been remarked that the saddest thing about youth is that it is wasted on the young. Para. 2 Reading a survey report on first-year college students, I recalled the regret, \If only knew then what know now
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Intensive Study Marriage Across the Nations Para. 1 Gail and I imagined quiet wedding. During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other. But through it all we had honestly confronted the
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I. Greetings II. Review Have a quiz III. Start the new lesson 1.Introduction This article talks about birth of bright ideas by the vividly paradigmatic methods After reading it, we have a new understanding about the mysterious question 2. Discourse analysis Part one (Paras.1-3)Opening remarks: All truly creative activities depend in some degree on the signals of the unconscious. Part two (Paras. 4-6) Discussing the birth of bright ideas with the example some famous persons
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Issac BasheYisifdes44nda1) an American short-story writer and novelist Born in poland he came to the uSA in 1935 His novels deal most with the heritage, faith, and daily lives of polish jews, particularly in the warsaw ghetto. He was awarded the nobel prize for
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Review: Have a small quiz. Have a dictation of the words in Unit 2 consume moderate liable allowance typical fatigue advisable modify interfere succession imply obstacle density boost stem speculate maintenance academic II. Start the new lesson 1 Introduction The Hyde School sees itself as preparing children for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles which
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Intensive stud Lighten Your Load and save Your life Para.1 If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart. Para. 2 If you dont want to break your own heart, you need to learn to take charge of your life where you can-and recognize there are many things beyond your control
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《科技论文写作》 《高等数学 A》 《线性代数 A》 《概率论与数理统计 B》 《工程制图 D》 《计算机导论》(实验) 《C/C++语言程序设计 D》 《C/C++语言程序设计 D》(实验) 《电路原理》 《电路原理》(实验) 《模拟电子技术基础》 《模拟电子技术基础实验》 《大学物理 C》 《物理实验 C》 《数字电子技术基础》 《数字电子技术基础实验》 《微机原理与接口技术 B》 《微机原理与接口技术 B》(实验) 《信号与系统 B》 《自动控制原理 A》 《自动控制原理 A》(实验) 《嵌入式系统原理与应用 B》 《嵌入式系统原理与应用 B》(实验) 《电机原理及拖动基础》 《电机原理及拖动基础》(实验) 《电力电子技术》 《电力电子技术》实验 《过程检测与仪表》 《过程检测与仪表实验》 《现代控制理论》 《控制系统数字仿真》 《控制系统数字仿真》(实验) 《计算机网络》 《计算机网络》(实验) 《电气控制技术》 《电气控制技术》(实验) 《单片机原理与应用》 《单片机原理与应用》(实验) 《计算机控制技术》 《计算机控制技术》(实验) 《运动控制》 《运动控制》(设计) 《工厂供电》 《工厂供电》(实验) 《综合实验 1》 《专业英语》 《过程控制》 《过程控制》(设计) 《分布式控制系统及应用》 《分布式控制系统及应用》(实验) 《综合实验 2》 《数据库系统原理》 《数字信号处理》 《数字信号处理》(实验) 《工控组态软件》 《印刷电路板设计技术》 《系统工程导论》 《楼宇自动化系统》 《智能控制》 《微电子机械系统》 《C 语言编程综合训练》 《电子技术课程设计》 《单片机系统课程设计》 《学年论文》 《认识实习》 《金工实习》 《专业实习》 毕业设计
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