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一、餐厅地板 1、在顶视图中创建一个 Length为5200、 Width为4000、 Height为50的Box,作为地板。 2、打开材质编辑器,在 Shader Basic Parameters卷展栏中将明暗模式定义为 Phong
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Microorganisms are the most diversified and interesting to study. Microbiology is one of the most active and promising field in life sciences. I will try to integrate the most classical and basic ideas theories and concepts with the most recent advances in microbiology, which are so exciting and full of fun to know about
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第一章财务管理的基本理论 Chapter 1: The Basic Theory OfFinancial Management [教学目的与要求, Teaching Aim and Requirement] 本章从财务管理理论结构(frame)框架展开,界定了财务管理的内涵 (connotation)与外延(denotation),阐述了财务管理的环境(environment)、假设 (postulates)、内容(content)、目标(aims)、环节(steps)等,介绍了许多不同 的观点(viewpoints),使学生对财务管理有一个整体的认识,提高学生的理论水平
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一、重要概念 二、BIOS(basic input/output system,基本输入 输出系统) 三、引导或自举(BOOT) 四、时钟(Clock) 五、CMOS(互补氧化物半导体) 六、CPU(central processing unit,中央处理单元
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西安电子科技大学:《现代密码学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第五章 公钥密码(数论简介、公钥密码体制的基本概念 Basic Concept of Public Key Cryptography、RSA算法)
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Expression of many genes in cells are requlated Housekeeping genes expressed constitutively, essential for basic processes involving in cell replication and growth. Inducible genes expressed only when they are activated by inducers or cellular factors
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Introduction Basic signal properties(dc, rms, dBm, and power) Fourier transform and spectra Linear systems and linear distortion Bandlimited signal and sampling Discrete Fourier transform Bandwidth of signal
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1. Basic contents Kinematics of a Rectilinear motion Uniform velocity, uniformly particle Curvilinear motion accelerated, varying velocity
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Abstract Fermentation is the processes in which microbial population functions. Those processes are supported and maintained by the three kinds of flow: 1. the electron flow which operates along with energy-form transformation, 2. the metabolite fluxes which operate along with dissimilation and assimilation, 3. the information flow which operates along with the metabolic regulations in different levels. On the basis of the analysis of the operation rules of above three kinds of flow, the three basic viewpoints of industrial fermentation are put
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Course Information: Business Negotiation Lecture day/Time: Wednesday 10: 15 Lecture Building/Room: Room 616, Library Building, Yuquan Campus Instructor Information: Yang Min/ Rosemary Course description The course introduces the basic concepts and practice of
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