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一、记忆题(20个) 1、写出下列热力学量的数量级及单位,N,洛喜密脱数,Trm=,k= 2、写出下列基本热力学量的数量级及单位:常温下分子运动平均速率的数量级 标准状态下气体分子的平均,原子或分子的线度d 及质量m
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An explorer is trying to reach the Holy Grail, which she believes is located in a desert shrine d days walk from the nearest oasis. In the desert heat, the explorer must drink continuously. She can carry at most 1 gallon of water, which is enough for 1 day. However, she is free to create water caches out in the desert. For example, if the shrine were 2/3 of day's walk into the desert, then she could recover
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Guessing a particular solution. Recall that a general linear recurrence has the form: f(n)=a1f(n-1)+a2f(n-2)+…+aaf(n-d)+g(n) As explained in lecture, one step in solving this recurrence is finding a particular solu- tion; i.e., a function f(n)that satisfies the recurrence, but may not be consistent with the boundary conditions. Here's a recipe to help you guess a particular solution:
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供求理论 一、名词解释 需求量供给量均衡价格需求弹性供给弹性 需求收入弹性需求交叉弹性 二、选择题 1在得出某种商品的个人需求曲线时,下列因素除哪一种外均保持为常数?(D)
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computers. Passage D. To warn against mentally lazy attitude towards In what now seem like the prehistoric times of computers. computer history, the earth's postwar era, there was quite 22. According to the passage, the initial concern about
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定理1独立同分布的中心极限定理 设随机变量序列X,X2,Xn 独立同一分布,且有期望和方差: E(X)=,D(X)=2>0,k=12,… 则对于任意实数x
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渗透系数又称水力传导系数,是 描述介质渗透能力的重要水文地质参 数。根据达西公式,渗透系数代表当水 力坡度为1时,水在介质中的渗流速 度,单位是m/d或cm/s。渗透系数大小 与介质的结构(颗粒大小、排列、空隙 85 充填等)和水的物理性质(液体的粘滞 性、容重等)有关
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1.比较铜族元素和碱金属元素的异同点。 2.计算出电对[Cu(NH3)4]2/Cu的值。在有空气存在的情况下Cu能否 1mol-L溶于1'NH33h20中形成0.010mol·的[Cu(NH3)2?
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测1.1一悬臂梁及其⊥形截面如图所示,其中C为截面形心,该梁横截面的 A.中性轴为z1,最大拉应力在上边缘处 B.中性轴为z1,最大拉应力在下边缘处; C.中性轴为z0,最大拉应力在上边缘处; D.中性轴为二0,最大拉应力在下边缘处
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测1.1.1构件的强度、刚度和稳定性 A.只与材料的力学性质有关; B.只与构件的形状尺寸有关; C.与A和B都有关; D.与A和B都无关
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