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第三节 分解代谢和合成代谢的联系 第四节 微生物独特合成代谢途径举例 第五节 微生物的代谢调节与发酵生产
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第一节 测定生长繁殖的方法 第二节 微生物的生长规律 第三节 影响微生物生长的主要因素 第四节 微生物的纯培养
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Dictionary A chemical-shift reference is used to define the (CH3)4SI positions of the resonances in the spectrum in terms of parts-per-million, or ppm, of frequency It is a material which is often directly added to the
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3. 1 Chemical shift When an atom is placed in a magnetic field B its electrons circulate about the direction of the applied magnetic field. This circulation causes a small magnetic field at the nucleus which opposes the externally applied field The magnetic field at the nucleus(the effective field) is therefore generally less than the applied field by a fraction THNMR
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nature publishing group http://structbio.nature.com news and views Department of Biological Sciences. chem.276146-116200 Columbia University, New York, New York 6. Chen,.. Sharma, 5. Quiocho, F.A. Davidson. A.L. 15. Jones. P.M. George. A.M. FEMS Microbiol. Lett
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NMR spectroscopy in structure-based drug design Gordon CK Roberts NMR methods for the study of motion in proteins continue Structure and dynamics of the binding site improve, and a n d complexes Methodological developments in NMR of macromolecules relevant to drug design
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PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY ELSEVIER Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 38 (2001) 325-360 www.elsevier.nl/locate/pnmrs NMR quantum computation J.A. Jonesa,b,* \Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences. New Chemistry Laboratory South Parks Road, Oxford OXI 3QT. UK
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6 The noe effect c Gerd Gemmecker, 1999 Nuclear OVERHAUSER Effect(NOE): resonance line intensity changes caused by dipolare cross- relaxation from neighbouring spins with perturbed energy level populations To understand the nature of the NOE, we have to look at a two-spin system I' and
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2 Basis Principles of FT NMR C Gerd Gemmecker 1999 Nuclei in magnetic fields Atomic nuclei are composed of nucleons, i.e., protons and neutrons. Each of these particles shows a property named\spin\(behaving like an angular momentum) that adds up to the total spin of the
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第一节植物的休眠与种子萌发 第二节植物的生长发育 第三节植物生长的相关性 第四节影响植物生长的环境因素及其调
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