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一、楼梯的组成 楼梯由梯段、平台、栏杆扶手三部分组成: ①梯段:3级≤踏步步数≤18级; ②楼梯平台:有中间平台和楼层平台之分; ③栏杆扶手:栏杆扶手是设在梯段及平台边缘的安全保护构件
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第一节 教育实验研究概述 第二节 教育实验选题和设计 第三节 教育实验的变量选择、测量和控制 第四节 教育实验设计
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实训 Cisco路由器认识 1、 Cisco产品介绍 (1)路由器 模块化路由器
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(1)简述(1)ping127.0.0.1;(2)ping本机IP;(ping网关IP;这三个命令各自的作用。 (2)Apache有何作用,其配置文件全名是什么?若某服务器已经安装了S
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一、关于城市 二、城外与城内
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Handout 2: Gain and Phase margins Eric Feron Feb6,2004 Nyquist plots and Cauchy's principle Let H(s) be a transfer function. eg H(s)= s2+s+1 (s+1)(s+3) Evaluate H on a contour in the s-plane. (your plots here)
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Handout 6: Proportional Compensation Eric Feron Feb25,2004 Plant under study: 1/10 G(s)=(s+1)(s/10+1)2 Compensation Scheme: We adjust the gain K in the feedback loop (draw the feedback loop below)
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Handout 4: Root-Locus Review Eric Feron Feb17,2004 Summary of Guidelines for plotting a root-locus 1. Mark Poles X and Zeros O 2. Draw the locus on the real axis to the left of an odd number of real poles plus zeros
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Handout 7: Lag and PI compensation Eric Feron Lag Compensation goals: Raise gain at low frequencies while leaving rossover &z higher frequencies untouched b≥0. When b=0: Add an integrator in the loop Typical lag Bode Plot
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Handout 8: Lead compensation Eric Feron March 3, 2004 Lead Compensation goals: Raise phase (and gain) at high frequen- cies while not touching low-frequency system's characteristics: Can extend bandwidth of system Canonical lead element:
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