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第一节概述 操纵稳定性 a.汽车正确遵循驾驶员通过操纵机构所给定的方向的能力; b.汽车抵抗企图改变行驶方向干扰、保持稳定行驶方向的能力。 不能过分降低车速或造成驾驶员疲劳
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Part Listening and Speaking Activities Introduction of functions Listen and speak Try to speak more Make your own dialogue What are they for?
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第一单元同步强化测试 I. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1 his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others. A. Unlike B. Liking C. Alike D. Dislike
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目录 71A建设概况 7.2FOA的证书管理策略 7.3S∥数字证书的中请与使用 7.4始 er iSig数字证书的中请与使用
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CSMA/CD and Ethernet Two way cable wsws Ws W CSMA with Collision Detection(CD)capability Nodes able to detect collisions Upon detection of a collision nodes stop transmission Reduce the amount of time wasted on collisions Protocol
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Modulation Representing digital signals as analog waveforms Baseband signals Signals whose frequency components are concentrated around zero Passband signals Signals whose frequency components are centered at some frequency fc away from zero Baseband signals can be converted to passband signals through modulation Multiplication by a sinusoid with frequency fc Eytan Modiano
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Sampling Given a continuous time waveform, can we represent it using discrete samples? How often should we sample? Can we reproduce the original waveform?
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Learning objectives Introduce explore orthogonality Study the standard oas Practice computing dOF of an experiment Learn how to select a standard oa Introduce means to modify Oas Consider studying interactions in Oas Robust System Design
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由牛顿—莱布尼兹公式知:计算定积分f(x)d 的关键在于求出f(x)在[a,b]上的一个原函数F(x);而由 第五章知求函数的原函数(即不定积分)的方法有凑微分法、 换元法和分部积分法.因而在一定条件下,也可用这几 种方法来计算定积分
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连续函数是非常重要的一类函数也是函数的一种 重要的性态然界中的许多变量都是连续变化着的,即 在很短的时间内,们的变化都是很微小的这种现象反 映在函数关系上,就是函数的连续性;对函数曲线来说 就是从起点开始到终点都不间断 函数增量(改变量) 设函数y=f(x,当x从x变到x1时,自变量的改变 量(在x处的增量)记为A=xrx2.相应的函数从x 变到(x)时,其函数值之差
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