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7-1反应速率及其测定 7-2反应物浓度对反应速率的影响 7-3反应级数的确定 7-4基元反应、反应分子数 7-5对峙反应、平行反应、连串反应 7-6链反应 7-7快速反应的研究方法 7-8温度对反应速率的影响
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一、自由基聚合反应微观动力学方程 推导微观动力学方程的基本假设 聚合度很大假设(R<
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1.298K时N2O5(g)分解反应半衰期t为5.h此值与N2O的起始浓度无关试求: (1)该反应的速率常数 (2)作用完成90%时所须的时间
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(一)酶反应速度与底物浓度的关系曲线 对于简单的酶反应,当酶浓度和其他条件恒定时:
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Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Inviscid, incompressible Flow Theoretical fluid dynamics, being a difficult subject, is for convenience, commonly divided into two branches, one treating frictionless or perfect fluids, the other treating of viscous or imperfect fluids. The frictionles fluid has no existence in nature, but is hypothesized by mathematicians in order to facilitate the investigation of important laws and principles that may be approximately true of viscous or natural fluids
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如果扰动比一个简单声波强,其引起的波前就会比马赫波强产生一 个与来流夹角为β的斜激波,且β>μ。这一比较在图9.4中给出。然而, 斜激波产生的物理机理与上面描述的马赫波的产生完全相同
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5.1 Introduction The properties of airfoils are the same as the properties of a wing with infinite span. However, all real airplanes have wings of finite span. In the present chapter, we will apply our knowledge of airfoil properties to the analysis for finite wings. As we have mentioned in the previous chapter, the analysis for the aerodynamics of wings is separated in two steps.now, we are going on the second-step in Prandtl's philosophy of wing theory
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特别要注意:膨胀过程是一个等熵过程。 要解决的问题是:已知上游马赫数M及其它流动特性(区域1), 求通过偏转角θ膨胀后的下游(区域2)的特
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如上图所示的斜激波在真实情况下有时会碰到固壁或与其它激 波、膨胀波相交,进而发生相互作用,这种现象称为激波的干 扰与反射。本节的目的就是要定性地讨论激波的干扰问题
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