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◼ 2.1Antennas, Propagation and Propagation Characteristics (天线、传输、 传输特性) 2.1.1 Classifications of Transmission Media 2.1.2 Introduction to Antennas 2.1.3 Propagation Modes ◼ Ground-wave propagation ◼ Sky-wave propagation ◼ Line-of-sight propagation 2.1.4 LOS Wireless Transmission Impairments 2.1.5 Fading ◼ 2.2 Spread Spectrum(扩频) 2.2.1 The Concept of Spread Spectrum 2.2.2 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum 2.2.3 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 2.2.4 Code Division Multiple Access
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❖ Introduction to topological orders ❖ Quantum phase transition for topological orders ❖ Conclusion and open questions
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◆Signal processing is benefited from a close coupling between theory, application, and technologies for implementing signal processing systems. ◆Signal processing deals with the representation, transformation, and manipulation of signals and the information they contain
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◆3.0 Introduction ◆3.1 z-Transform ◆3.2 Properties of the Region of Convergence for the z-transform ◆3.3 The inverse z-Transform ◆3.4 z-Transform Properties ◆3.5 z-Transform and LTI Systems ◆3.6 the Unilateral z-Transform
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◆5.0 Introduction ◆5.1 Frequency Response of LTI Systems ◆5.2 System Functions For Systems Characterized by Linear Constant-coefficient Difference equation ◆5.3 Frequency Response for Rational System Functions ◆5.4 Relationship Between Magnitude and Phase ◆5.5 All-Pass System ◆5.6 Minimum-Phase Systems ◆5.7 Linear Systems with Generalized Linear Phase
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9.0 Introduction 9.1 Direct Computation Of The Discrete Fourier Transform 9.2 decimation-in-time FFT Algorithms 9.3 decimation-in-frequency FFT Algorithms 9.4 practical considerations
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Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Charles J. Geyer • History • Markov Chains • Intuitions of MCMC • Elementary Theory of MCMC • The Metropolis-Hastings-Green Algorithm MCMC using Hamiltonian dynamics Radford M. Neal • History • Hamiltonian Dynamics • MCMC from Hamiltonian dynamics • HMC in practice and theory • Extensions of and Variations on HMC
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• Historical introduction to ferromagnetism • Curie point of ferromagnetic Bose gas • Thermodynamics of ferromagnetic Bose gas • Spin dynamics in ferromagnetic condensates • Brief summary
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I. Writing and Presentation 1. Typo and grammar mistake 2. Sentence and convention 3. Exercise and discussion II. Research Formulation 1. Definition before use 2. Research problem 3. Inadequacy of related work 4. Insight of your proposal 5. Exercise and discussion III. Experimentation 1. Questions and subjects 2. Experimental design 3. Threats to validity 4. Exercise and discussion
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4.1数据库安全性概述 4.2数据库安全性控制 4.3 视图机制 4.4 审计(Audit) 4.5 数据加密 4.6 其它安全性保护 4.7 小结
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