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3-1 Measures of Random Syntactic Information Shannon Theory of Information Key point: 1. Information is something that can be used to remove uncertainty. 2. The amount of information can then be measured by the amount of uncertainty it removed. 3. In the cases of communications, only waveform is concerned while meaning and value are ignored. 4. Uncertainty and thus information are statistic in nature and statistical mathematics is enough
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Problems to be concerned with 1. How should we define the concept of Information 2. What are the typical features of Information compared with matter and energy 3. What are the relationship and difference between Shannon Information and comprehensive Information 4. How to reasonably classify Information 5. How to properly represent Information
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1.1 Information science Definition of information Science Information Science is a trans-disciplinary science with information as its object in study; the laws in information process as its content information methodology as its approach; and the strengthening human information functions particularly the intellectual ability, as its goal
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4.1概述 4.2测量放大器的电路原理 4.3测量放大器的主要技术指标 4.4测量放大器集成芯片 4.5测量放大器的使用
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武警学院:《大学物理学》第九章 静电场中的导体和电介质 9.5 静电场的能量 能量密度 9-6 静电的应用 9-7 电场的边界条件 9-8 压电效应 铁电体 驻极体
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8-1 周期信号的频谱分析 8-2 傅里叶变换 8-2-2 常用信号的傅里叶变换 8-3 傅里叶变换的性质
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一实验目的: 掌握DMA方式的工作原理和8237的编程使用方法。 二.实验要求: 1.按照实验指导第61页的实验接线图连接硬件线路 2.对照【例3.6.1】的程序清单键入源程序,经汇编和连接后运行程序 三.实验电路 四.实验程序:
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8.1 政务电子公文流转安全协议 8.2 安全电子交易协议SET 8.3 安全套接层协议SSL 8.4 IP Sec 8.5 VPN技术
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武警学院:《大学物理学》第八章 静电场的性质与计算(8.6)静电场的环路定理电势能 8.7 电势
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第2章正弦交流电路 2.1单相交流电路的基本概念 2.2正弦交流电的相量表示法 2.3单参数的正弦交流电路 2.4多参数组合的正弦交流电路
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