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1.1数控编程的基本概念 数控编程是从零件图纸到获得数控加工程序的全过程。它的主要任务是计算加工走刀中的刀位点( cutter location point简称CL 点)。刀位点一般取为刀具轴线与刀具表面的交点,多轴加工中还要给出刀轴矢量 12数控编程技术的发展概况 为了解决数控加工中的程序编制问题,50年代,MIT设计了一种专门用于机械零件数控加工程序编制的语言,称为APT ( Automatically Programmed Tool)
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Collaborate Document Management Plan and design up front Create a short model section for information content and order Create a layout template Create a document control system for revisions Accept individual responsibility and deadlines
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Can you read this text??? Can you read this text? What a great way to put off an audience!!! Such attractive colours, too!
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How do you start? Assume the audience is technically competent, but isn't familiar with your project? What do they need to know first?
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Definitions What is Systems Engineering? the ensemble of coordinated analyses, simulations, and processes which lead to a technical product which best meets the needs of an identified customer What does it mean to manage systems engineering?
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7-1装配式简支梁桥类型 7-2装配式钢筋混凝土简支ㄒ梁桥 7-3装配式预应力混凝土简支ㄒ梁桥
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第一节混凝土梁桥的特点 第二节梁桥的主要类型及其适用条件 第三节支座的类型和构造
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第一节永久作用 第二节可变作用 第三节偶然作用 第四节作用效应组合
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第一节贴钢法 第二节贴碳纤维布法 第三节锚喷混凝土加固拱桥
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第一节体外预应力的加固机理 第二节体外预应力加固法的设计和施工技术
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