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5.1 高聚物热解分析的特点 5.2 高聚物热裂解的一般模式 5.3 有机质谱 5.4 有机质谱谱图解析 5.5 裂解气相色谱分析 5.6 PGC-MS联用技术 5.7 热解分析在高分子材料研究中的应用
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3.6 电子顺磁共振谱 3.7 ESR在高分子研究中的应用 3.8 二维核磁共振谱
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Flash是一种交互式矢量多媒体动画制作工具,他的前身是早期网上流行的矢量动画插件Future Splash,后来Macromedia公司收购了Future Splash以后,便将其改名为Flash。1996年6月推出Flash4.0,2000年7月推出Flash5。 2002年3月推出FlashMX。 (1)Flash,是一个最精彩的矢量动画工具。 (2)Flash MX,极大的扩展了Flash的功能,不再仅仅具有动画设计制作功能。它可以创建完整的动态站点,Flash MX已它具有从内容显示到数据库连通,视频调试和整合,以及简单的多媒体编辑功能,是制作各种网络广告、游戏、多媒体应用程序、教程等的理想工具。 需要说明的是,Flash的播放需要Flash Player,一般情况下浏览器都具有此功能
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cellular[' se j u13]a.细胞(状)的,蜂窝状的,单元的 mobile[' mou a i l,' mou i()1]a.运动的,流动的,机动的,装在车上的 deploy[di' p iJv.;n.展开,使用,推广应用
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1线性电子线路与非线性电子线路 2非线性电子线路在通信系统中的应用
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7-1锁相环路概述 7-2锁相环路基本工作原理 7-3锁相环路分析 7-4锁相环路的应用 7-5频率合成
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Chapter 1 Introduction of Electronic commerce 1. 1 Development of Electronic Commerce(e-commerce 1.1.1 Histor Throughout history, attempts to promote new means of communication were simply means with which to increase opportunities for ease, efficiency and security. The foundations on which electronic commerce is based started 125 years ago with the use of telegraph
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Chapter6 Transaction behavior on the internet 6.1 consumer buying behavior 6. 1. 1 What is Consumer Buying Behavior Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in bu product Need to understand why consumers make the purchases that they make? what factors influence consumer purchases? the changing factors in our society
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Chapter 4 Website design 4.1 General Design of e-Business website 4.1.1 Defining the task Once you have decided to hire [COMPANy], the first step is to define the project very carefully and very thoroughly. It is critical to put down on paper what is and isn't included for the agree-to price. We call this the\Statement of Work\and include it as part of our proposal. For us to prepare this document, we're going to have a lot of questions to ask. If you haven,'t done so
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Chapter 2 The strategy of the development of E-Commerce 2. 1 The importance of the development of E-Commerce's research The impact of e-commerce, particularly in business to business(B2B)transactions, continues to grow. Customers increasingly expect to be able to deal with suppliers electronically as a matter
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