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第十章醚和环氧化合物 10.1醚和环氧化合物的命名
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CONTENTS Preface xxv INTRODUCTION he Origins of Organic Chemistry 1 Berzelius, Wohler. and vitalism 1 The Structural Theory 3 Electronic Theories of Structure and Reactivity 3
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第五章芳烃芳香烃 芳香族化合物:
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第四章二烯烃和共轭烯烃 4.1二烯烃的分类和命名: 一、分类
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS functions at both ends. Pentanedial is an acceptable IUPAC name for this compound.hyde 17.1 (b) The longest continuous chain in glutaraldehyd has five carbons and terminates in ald
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 14.1 () Magnesium bears a cyclohexyl substituent and a chlorine. Chlorine is named as an anion. The compound is cyclohexylmagnesium chloride. 14.2 (b) The alkyl bromide precursor to sec-butyllithiur must be sec-butyl bromide
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1.答:(1) 有,由 sp3 到 sp2。 (2) 有,由 sp2 到 sp3。 (3) 无。 (4) 有,由 sp 到 sp3 和由 sp 到 sp2
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一、 绪论 1. 下列反应中,碳原子的外层轨道的杂化状态有无改变?有怎样的改变? 2. 指出下列化合物是属于哪一类化合物?
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 9.1 The reaction is an acid-base process; water is the proton donor. Two separate proton-transfer steps are involved
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 5.1 (b) Writing the structure in more detail, we see that the longest continuous chain contains four carbon atoms
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