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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson notes Lesson 3: Analyzing and Recording Accounting transactions Learning objectives Provide the students with a background of the accounting process to better understand the numbers on the financial statements Define the economic transactions and
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson notes Lesson 2: Economic Transactions and Accounting Equation Learning objectives This lesson begins with a discussion of the purpose of a business, including a discussion of forms of organizations. Next, the nature of
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第九章销售与收入 主要内容: 一、销售业务概述 二、收入确认标准 三、销售收入核算方法 四、信用政策 五、应收帐款、应收票据核算 六、坏帐核算方法
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1. 定义财务资产,解释其资产负债表计价原则。 2. 解释现金管理的目标。 3. 简述进行内部现金管理所采取的方法。 4. 编制银行对账单并解释其作用。 5. 解释如何用备抵法和直接转销法处理坏账。 6. 解释不同财务资产的流动性
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第一节流动负债概述 第二节短期借款 第三节应付及预收款项 第四节应付工资及福利费 第五节应交款项 第六节或有负债
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第三章复式记账 第一节复式记账的原理 一、记账方法 记账方法是在账簿中登记经济业务的方法,有单式记账法和复式记账法两种
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第一节固定资产概述 第二节固定资产的取得 第三节固定资产折旧 第四节固定资产使用中的支出 第五节固定资产的处置 第六节固定资产的清查 第七节固定资产核算的帐簿体系
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Lesson notes Lesson 9: Financial Statements Learning objectives 1. Learn what financial statements are and how these accounting tools work in their future profession 2. Be acquainted with the functions and formats of these financial statements 3. Learn some details relating to preparation of these financial statements
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Chapter F9 Power notes Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets Learning objectives 1. Nature of Fixed Assets 2. Accounting for Depreciation 3. Capital and Revenue Expenditures 4. Disposal of Fixed Assets 5. Leasing Fixed Assets 6. Internal Control of fixed assets 7 Natural resources 8. Intangible Assets 9. Financial Reporting 10. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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