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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语六年级下册Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog,please.Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog,please.教案(2)
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3.1 Preface 1. data object--- a set of instances or values for example: Boolean={ false,true} Digit={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} Letter={A, B, ....., a,b, ..... Z} NaturalNumber= {0, 1,2, ..... Integer={0,+1,-1,+2,-2,+3,-3,} String={a,, ..... ,aa, ab, ac
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Problem set 1 Micro Theory S. Wang Question1.1. Show that“f(X)=f(x),Vx∈R,A>1” implies“f(A)= Af(x),Vx∈R,A>0.” estion 1.2. Use a Lagrange function to solve c(w1, w2, y) for the following problem
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定义1设V是数域P上的一个线性空间,f是V到P的一个映射,如果f 满足 1)f(a+)=f(a)+f() 2) f(ka)=(a), 式中a,B是V中任意元素,k是P中任意数,则称f为V上的一个线性函数 从定义可推出线性函数的以下简单性质:
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一、矩阵秩的概念 定义1在mxn矩阵A中任取k行k列(k≤m,k≤n),位于这些行列交叉处的个k2元素不改变它们在A中所处的位置次序而得的k阶行列式,称为矩阵A的k阶子式mxn矩阵A的k阶子式共有Ck·c个
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1 . A reaction has the stoichiometric equationA+B=2R. What is the order of reaction? 2. A reaction with stoichiometric equationhas the following rate expressionWhat is the rate expression for this reaction if thestoichiometric equation is written as A+2B=2R+S?A B R S2
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1. A reaction has the stoichiometric equation A+B=2R. What is the order of reaction? 2. A reaction with stoichiometric equation +B=R+IS has the following rate expression r.= What is the rate expression for this reaction if the stoichiometric equation is written as A+2B=2R+S?
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一、逆幂法分析 设n阶实方阵A有n个线性无关的特征向量u12…n 相应的特征值分别为,2…n,并按其绝对值的大小排列 即 则由A1=u,可得Au1=u,即A的逆矩阵A的特征值为
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Ⅰ、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 每题给出四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请将正确答案的标号(A或B或C或D) 写在题号前的横线上 1、积分∫es(-3)d等于 (A)0(B)1(C)e3OD)e3 2、下列等式不成立的是 (A)f0)6\(0)=f(0)6'(0 B)A06(0=f()5( (C)f)*6(0)=f(0 (D)f0)°(0)=f(0
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Probabilistic model Integrate over al!p(x1 Bel(x,)=ap(=;|x,)p(x1a1,=12a1-2,=0) ap(E, x )p(x, Ix, 1,a, p(|x,)p(x,1x1,a1)p(x1)d
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