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Different Sort of Personal Identity:\Ethical\ Identity . Personal Identity: \Ethical\v. \Metaphysical\questions The previous lectures and readings on personal identity were primarily concerned with the metaphysics of personal identity. Question of diachronic identity/unity: Confronted with an individual X at one time and Y at another, what would make it the case that X and Y are (or are parts of) the same person? We've seen that the answer to this question may well depend on what sort of thing you think persons are: are persons bodies? Streams of consciousness?
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实现化学能转变为电能的装置称为原电池(简称为电池)。若转化是以热力学可逆方 式进行的,则称为“可逆电池”。 在可逆电池中,等温等压条件下,当体系发生变化时,体系吉氏自由能的减少等于对 外所作的最大非体积功(此处为电功), (△gp=-wr=-nFE 式中,n为电池输出元电荷的物质的量(mol),E为可逆电池电功热(V),F为法拉第常 数
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Molecular Biology of the Gene,5/e--- Watson et al.(2004) Part: Chemistry and Genetics Part ll: Maintenance of the Genome Part Ill: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
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续第二节 五、吸收峰位置 (一)吸收峰的位置(峰位) 即振动能级跃迁所吸收的红外线的波长或波数或v
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Gene,5/e--- Watson et al.(2004) Part: Chemistry and Genetics Part ll: Maintenance of the Genome Part Ill: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
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Molecular Biology of the Gene, 5/E---Watson et al. (2004) Part: Chemistry and Genetics Part ll: Maintenance of the Genome Part Ill: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
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第一节M管的串、并联特性 晶体管的驱动能力是用其导电因子B来表示的,值越大,其驱动能力越强。单个管 子是如此,对于多个管子的串、并情况下,其等效导电因子应如何推导?下面我们来具体 分析一下: 一、两管串联: 设:V相同,工作在线性区
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研究热力学微分关系式的目的 确定△,M,与可测参数( p,V,T,c这之 间的关系,便于编制工质热力性质表。 确定Cn,C与pVT的关系,用以建立 实际气体状态方程。 确定Cn与Cn的关系,由易测的C求得C 热力学微分关系式适用于任何工质,可用 其检验已有图表、状态方程的准确性
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一、填空(20分,每题2分) 1.对晶格常数为a的SC晶体,与正格矢R=ai+2a+2ak正交的倒格子晶面族的面指数为(),其面间距为() 2.典型离子晶体的体积为V,最近邻两离子的距离为R,晶体的格波数目为(),长光学波的()波会引起离子晶体宏观上的极化
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