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视准线法观测水平位移 Observing level displacement in directrix way 波带板激光衍射法观测水平位移 Observing level displacement in laser and diffraction 引张线发光测水平位移 Observing level displacement in light of down-lead 前方交会法测水平位移 Observing level displacement in the way of focusing 挠度测法 概述 summarize
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概述 Summarize 洞外控制测量 Measuring and domination outside  隧洞掘进中的测量工作 Measuring work while digging 竖井和旁洞的测量  Measuring silo and hollow
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施工控制网的布设 Disposal of construction and controlling 距离、水平角和高程的放样 Space,level angel and height  测设放样点平面位置的基本方法 The basic methods of measuring locations of dots 圆曲线的测设  Measuring round curves
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概述Summarize 高斯平面直角坐标Gauss plane coordinate  地形图的分幅和编号The breadth and serial number of relief map  地形图的选用 The selection of relief map  地形图应用的基本知识Basic knowledge of application of relief map  地形图在水利工程规划工作中的应用The application of relief map in Irrigation Projects  面积计算Calculating acreage
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概述 三、四等水准测量 三角高程测量
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一、控制测量概述 二、经纬仪导线测量 三、小三角测量 四、前方交会定点
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直线定向 The Line Direction 距离丈量 The Distance Measurement  视距测量 The Stadia
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水准测量原理 The Principle of Leveling 水准仪及其使用 The Water Level and the Usage 水准测量的一般方法和要求 The Common Methods and Demand of the Water Level 水准仪的检验和校正 The Inspection and Emendation of the Water Level 水准测量误差产生的原因及消减方法 The Causes and Elimination of Leveling
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题库题型:填空题 序号:291 题型:填空题
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