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第一章遗传的细胞学基础 Chapter 1 Cytologic Foundation of Heredity 全部遗传与遗传学的基础
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49.1 The bodies of vertebrates are organized into functional systems. Organization of the Body. Cells are organized into tissues, and tissues are organized into organs. Several organs can cooperate to form organ systems
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1.1 Biology is the science of life. Properties of Life. Biology is the science that studies living organisms and how they interact with one another and their environment
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Genes vary in natural populations. Gene Variation Is the Raw Material of Evolution. Selection acts on the genetic variation present in populations, favoring variants that increase the likelihood of survival and reproduction
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一、植物及其多样性 二、植物学的发展简史和分科概述 三、植物学和农业的关系 四、学习植物学的目的和方法
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1.了解微生物学实验基本概念; 2.认识微生物学实验基本材料; 3为实验做准备
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微生物学:水体污染 与自净(2/2)
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一、“遗传学”学什么? 二、遗传学三大部分: 1 传递遗传 2 分子遗传 3 群体遗传
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