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Anthropology and Moral Relativism Two stories: In 1960's and 70's a prominent Harvard psychologist named Jerome Bruner decided that it would be a good idea to expose young people to some of the concepts of social science, so he developed a curriculum called \Man: A Course
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Symbolism and Ritual It's a huge topic, it could cover a whole course 1. Two examples: a. Mariage ritual from the Kuna called\the dragging' i. Bride and groom would not choose each other, but their parents would arrange the marriage secretly. The groom's friends would traditionally surprise him and drag him down the street. (Now a days, they don't fight back so hard and they know ahead of time)
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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语五年级下册Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.教案(2)
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4.2.4子空间的直和与直和的四个等价定义 定义设V是数域K上的线性空间,2…,是V的有限为子空间。若对于∑中任一向量,表达式a=a1+a2+…+am,a1e,i=12,m是唯一的,则称∑V为直和,记为
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第六章计划与计划工作 一、名词解释 计划:指组织为了实现决策所确定的目标而预先进行的行动安排。 二、单项选择 1.C2.B3.B4.C5.D6.A7.D8.B9.C10.D 11.B12.c13.B14.A15.B16.C17a18.a19.c20.b
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1、大地线的定义与性质 法截弧:由椭球面上A点的法线与B点所确定的法截面与 椭球面相割得到的曲线称为A到B的法截弧。 相对法截弧:A到B的法截弧与B到A的法截弧。 由相对法截弧构成的椭球面三角形 不是闭合图形
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())/0=),6()/+2g= edrhugdr)/2M),oxdx) o: Elex Enwk'< uz=x), a(z qurgdiea= uuv y= adwvopu)z(o j): ac=2 Ghwceo(udo: 2M( Hw(uy 0: w cloks rE o Chu Tnr(i b)iwgiffadu cu wa rdo h ouno pk- which wite pexy a ca)=dre halfan a)+x=gub)whwxppdpxiv z=ioy u)udre Wwv ay co)(igad )o)a)i o u v( wh
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Nobel lecture december 12, 1933 On passing through an optical instrument, such as a telescope or a camera lens, a ray of light is subjec reflecting surface. The path of the rays can be constructed if we know the two simple laws which govern the changes in direction: the law of refrac- tion which was discovered by Snellius a few hundred years ago, and the law of reflection with which Archimedes was familiar more than 2,000 years ago
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1. Listening Comprehension(每题1分,共20分) 1.c2.c3.b4.b5.c6.c7.b8.b9.c10.b11.12.a13.a14.a15.b16.d 17.d18.b19.d20.B
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前言 第一章随机事件及其概率 1.同一问题的概型未必唯一 2.事件间的关系 (1)由A-B=C推不出A=BC (2)由A=BC推不出A-B=C
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