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Chapter 2&3: Kinematics 2-1—2-7:一维运动,了解概念。(p16-34) 2-8: Use of Calculus, Variable Acceleration 会用积分求速度和加速度。(p34-35) 3-1,3-2,3-3,3-4and3-5(p44-51);7-2(p151- 152);11-1(p275-277) Vectors:知道如何计算 3-6: Vector Kinematics (p52-53) 3-7&3-8 projectile Motion:了解,(p54-p61)
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32-9 Relativistic Momentum and Mass (P749-751) In classical mechanics, the law of conservation of momentum (P=constant) holds in different inertial reference frames. But in relativity, if we continue to define P=mv, and m is a constant, the total momentun is not conserved for different inertial frames
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Chapter 29 Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 1. Displacement Current Ampere-Max' Law 2. Maxwell's Equation 3. Electromagnetic Waves
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Chapter 28 Inductance and Electromagnetic Oscillations 1. Self and Mutual Induction 2. Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field
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Chapter32 Special relativity(狭义相对论) Two Postulates(狭义相对论的两个基本假设) The relativity of simultaneity(同时性的相对性) The relativity of time(时间间隔的相对性) The relativity of length(长度收缩) The Lorentz Transformation(洛仑兹变换式) new look at momentum, energy(相对论质量
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Good morning everybody. I am very happy to give bilingual class to you this semester. You are about to begin what could be one the most exciting course that you will undertake in university. It offers you the opportunity to learn what makes our world\tick\ and to gain insight into the role physics plays in our everyday lives
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讨论人耳听到的声音的频率与声源的频率相同吗? 接收频率——单位时间内观测者接收到的振动次 数或完整波数
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Chapter 13 &14 Wave Motion and Sound 1. Simple Harmonic Waves 2. Wave Equation 3. Energy and Power of Waves Interference of Waves Standing Waves 1. The Doppler Effect
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Chapter 12 Oscillations 1. Concepts of Simple Harmonic Motion 2. Expression Methods of SHM 3. Energy in SHM Pendulums Superposition of Oscillations
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Chapter 25 Magnetism 1. Magnet and Magnetic Field 2. Definition of Magnetic Field 3. Force on an Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field 4. Torque on a Current Loop
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