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Ⅱ. Listening skills Identifying prices M: I want two correction pens and a notebook. How much are they? W: $1.95 for each correction pen. $5.00 for the notebook Q: How much does the man have to pay? 2. W: Ooh, it's only $9.8. I bet Jane would love this blue vase. Flowers are really her thing
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Uints I. Basic listening practice 1. Script W: Why do some people stay in one job for life while others switch jobs from time to M: Some people want a fixed routine so that they dont have to adapt tot new circumstances over and over again, while others think variety is the spice of life Q: According to the dialog, why do some people stick to one job for life?
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Inti I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: I'm beside myself with joy. I'm so lucky. Guess what? I've won a lit of money in the lottery W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right? Q What does the woman mean?
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II. Listening Skills Listening for names 1. Doris: Good morning. Can I help you? David: Yes. I need to change one of my courses Doris: I'll see what we can do. What's your name, please? David: My names David Brown Doris: Your first name again? David: David. D-A-V-L-D
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Firmware Programming guide for PDIUSBD12 This is a legal agreement between you(either an individual or an entity and Philips Semiconductors. By accepting this product, you indicate your agreement to the disclaimer
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12.3如图所示,在直角三角形ABCD的A点处有点电荷1=1.8×10C,B点处有 点电荷q2=-4.8×10-C,AC=3cm,BC=4cm,试求C点的场强 解答]根据点电荷的场强大小的公式
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4-8章习题解答 第4章振动 P174. 4.1一物体沿x轴做简谐振动,振幅A=0.12m,周期T=2s.当t=0时,物体由于物体向x轴负方向运动,即v<0,所
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第十讲计算机控制(P68) 一、模拟控制原理(PID电路) 二、数值控制 三、施能及执行器 四、D/A转换 五、可控硅调功与“占空比
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文档格式:PPT 文档大小:96KB 文档页数:20
练习题 1.单项选择题(从下列各题四个备选答案中选出一个正 确答案,将其代号(A,B,C,D)写在题干前面的括号内)
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