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Graphs(review) Definition. a directed graph(digraph G=(, E)is an ordered pair consisting of a set y of vertices(singular: vertex) a sete c× of edges. In an undirected graphG=(V, E), the edge set e consists of unordered pairs of vertices In either case, we have El=O(v2).Moreover if G is connected, then E2v-l, which
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1.假定某经济有A、B、C三厂商,A厂商年产5000,卖给B、C和消费者,其中B买200,C买2000,其余2800卖给消费者。B年产500,直接卖给消费者。C年产6000,其中3000由A购买,其余由消费者购买。 (1)假定投入在生产都用光,计算价值增加 (2)计算GDP为多少 (3)如果C有500折旧,计算国民收入
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Balanced search trees Balanced search tree a search-tree data structure for which a height of o(g n)is guaranteed when implementing a dynamic set of n items
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假定我们对一个处于热平衡的恒温(T的体系感兴趣。对该 热力学问题我们做如下的表述。设有一个包含N个粒子的恒温的 平衡态系统,我们要计算该系统的可观测量A,即该物理量的平 均值 (A(T)=2-A( ((') 其中H(x)为系统的哈密顿量描述,f(为分布密度函数,称为 配分函数,它是归一化常数
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Chapter 2 Aerodynamics: Some Fundamental Principles and Equations There is so great a difference between a fluid and a collection of solid particles that the laws of pressure and of equilibrium of fluids are very different from the laws of the pressure and equilibrium of solids Jean Le Rond d' Alembert, 1768
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0644液压传动的动力元件通常是指 A.油泵B.油马达C.油缸D.A+B0645液压马达是将能变为能。 A.电,液压B.液压,机械C.机械,液压D.电,机械
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0001下列泵中属于叶轮式泵的是 A.齿轮泵B.叶片泵 C.水环泵D.旋涡泵 0002不属于回转式容积式泵的是 A.水环泵B.齿轮泵C.螺杆泵D.旋涡泵 0003属于回转式容积泵的是 A.离心泵B.水环泵 C.旋涡泵D.轴流泵
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1.一调光台灯由单相交流调压电路供电,设该台灯可看成电阻负载,在a=0°时输出功率为最 大值,试求功率为最大输出功率的80%、50%时的开通角a 2.一单相交流调压器,电源为工频220V,阻感串连作为负载,其中R=0.5Q,L=2mH试求: ①开通角a的变化范围;②负载电流的最大有效值③最大输出功率及此时电源侧的功率因数
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a weakness of hashing Problem: For any hash function h, a set of keys exists that can cause the average access time of a hash table to skyrocket An adversary can pick all keys from tkeU: h(k)=i for some slot i IDEA Choose the hash function at random independently of the keys
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一、例题精解 【例题2.1】在图2.2所示方框图中,N是一线性无源网络。当U1=1V,2=1A时,U3=0V:当U1=10V,2=0A时,U3=1V.试求当U1=0V,I2=10A时,U3=? 【解】应用叠加原理计算,则U3=U3+U3。其中3=AU是U1单独作用时的分量,U3=B2是l2单独作用时的分量,即
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