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一、自由基聚合反应的影响因素 原料纯度与杂质; 引发剂浓度; 单体浓度; 体系黏度; 聚合温度; 聚合压力等
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一、概述 二、工程建设活动所涉及的主要合同类型及其主要特点 三、建设工程合同订立阶段的合同管理 四、建设工程合同履行阶段的合同管理 五、建设工程合同的管理技术与方法
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Introduction Color Perception Color Terminology Viewing Color
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Introduction The objective of package printing and decorating is to create a visibly identifiable image, consistently, for a large number of impressions. these have been divided into two groups: .\Printing\ in the context of this discussion refers to flexography, lithography and gravure--the methods that
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Throughout the distribution system, packages are manhandled and mishandled in various ways: dropped, thrown, kicked and otherwise roughly abused; fall from conveyors or forklifts and crash to the floor;
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Introduction Packaging can be unnecessarily expensive in a couple of ways: 1. Inadequate design results in shipment damage 2. Over-design or poor design (more protection than is required or materials being incorrectlyused) results in excessive material cost. The procedure can be broken down into seven basic steps
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TOPS: Total Optimization Packaging Software. TOPS Pro: allows the packaging professional to size and shape package designs from concept to carton, to intermediate pack, to pallet stacking, to box strength analysis and to truck loading (Figure 17.1)
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content Introduction The Packaging Line Line Organization Packaging Materials Machine Capabilities Line Balancing Material and Container Characteristics Personnel
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在人类即将跨入21世纪的时候,如果我们回顾一下自身的发 展历史,就会发现,近百年来人类所创造的劳动业绩,大大超过 了在此之前所积累的总和。17世纪以前,人均能源消耗与史前期 相差不大,从17世纪中叶起,人口开始以指数规律增长。18世纪 蒸汽机的发明,引起了产业革命,从此,在人类的经济活动中出 现了一个新的生产领域:使用机器的工业生产。19世纪发现了电 磁现象,奠定了现代技术的基础,机器生产从蒸汽机供应能量转 向了新的能源形式一电力
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