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第十一章排污收费 第一节庇古税排污费 1.最优庇古税 1.1庇古税的含义 1920年,英国经济学家庇古在《福利经济学》一书中首先提出对污染征收税或费的想法。他建议,应当根据污染所造成的危害对排污者征税,用税收来弥 补私人成本和社会成本之间的差距,使二者相等,这就是“庇古税” 现在,人们把针对污染物排放所征收的各种税费统称为庇古税
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第十章环境经济政策 第一节有效率的污染水平 1.边际治理成本和边际损害成本 1.1决定环境容量有效利用(或者污染物有效排放)水平的两项关键因素是边际治理成本和边际损害成本
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第一章环境经济学的产生与发展 第一节复活节岛的兴衰 复活节岛是太平洋上一个偏僻荒凉的小岛,面积不足400km2,人口最多时也 不过7000人,它距最近的大陆——南美洲西海岸有3000km之多,距最近的有人居 住的岛屿——皮特凯恩岛也有近2000km之遥。但是它的一部文明兴衰史,却是昭 示人类未来的一面镜子。 考古学家证明,复活节岛曾经有过辉煌的文明。并认为复活节岛的居民属于波 利尼西亚人,公元5世纪到达复活节岛,当时已是全球大迁徙的晚期。公元5世纪 时,复活节岛上土壤肥沃,温度、湿度很高,但是水源奇缺,岛上无常年性河流 仅有的淡水来自死火山形成的湖。由于与世隔绝,生物物种很少,只有30种本地植 在家乡时主要食用鸡、猪、狗、波利尼西亚鼠以及甘薯、芋头、两波利尼西亚人 物、几种昆虫、两种蜥蜴,没有哺乳动物,岛周围水域中鱼也不多
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Capital Structure The Modigliani and Miller capital structure and payout policy theorems were the result of the practical questions\How should a firm choose its capital structure\. The theory that we covered last time clarified the nature of the modigliani and miller result
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Franklin Allen and Douglas gale Topic 1: What is Corporate Finance? Readings A Ph. D. textbook that provides basic coverage of some of the main topics is J. A. de Matos. Theoretical Foundations of Corporate Finance, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002) There are many MBa textbooks. A very good one is R.A. Brealey and S.C. Myers, Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th edition(New York
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Bayesian Learning in Social Networks Douglas Gale(Corresponding Author) Department of Economics. New York University
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The agency problem that arises from the separation of ownership and control (Berle and Means, 1932)has been a major focus of the literature on corporate finance and the theory of the firm over the last twenty years. Various insti- tutional arrangements exist to deal with this agency problem and one that has attracted a lot of attention is the market for corporate control. Manne
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Chapter 5 Dynamic Contracting 5.1 Incomplete contracts In our earlier treatment of contracting problems, we assumed that the in- centive problem was generated by asymmetric information, either a problem of moral hazard(hidden actions)or adverse selection(hidden information) The incomplete contracts approach eschews asymmetric information because of its intractability and instead focuses on environments in which informa- tion is observable but not verifiable
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9.1 Critique of existing procedures (i) Auctions. The problem with auctions is that assets sold off piecemeal may be sold at a substantial discount The financing problem. It takes too long to raise money from a large number of investors. A small number of investors may be risk averse and unwilling to pay the expected value of the assets
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These notes introduce some ideas for modeling markets with adverse selec- tion. This framework was originally intended to deal with markets that cannot be easily accommodated by the standard signaling game e. g, be- cause there is two-sided adverse selection. For present purposes, however, it is enough to deal with the simplest case in which there is adverse selection
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