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假设ABC公司2004年发生以下经济业务: 1.元月1日,该公司所有者丁一和丁二各向公司投入资本1500000元 2.元月2日,预付半年房租共计12000元 3.元月3日,公司购入汽车一部,15万元,款项已经支付。该汽车预计使用年限为8年,无残值
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l、名词解释 (1)账户 (2)会计科目 (3)复式记账法 (4)借贷记账法 (5)会计分录
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1、名词解释 (1)会计要素 (2)资产 (3)负债 (4)所有者权益 (5)收入 (6)费用 (7)利润
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1.我国经济发展经历了从国有国营到放权让利、到国企部分转让所有权、乃至将那些 中小型国企所有权全部转让的大致历程。在这一过程中,一种主导思想认为国有导致产权 不清晰、代理成本高,将国企改造为股份制,就能够解决这一问题。然而,我国资本市场 大量上市公司仍然出现了各种不应该有的现象如公司舞弊(银广夏、蓝田股份等)、高管 职务犯罪(不少董事长携款潜逃)等,特别是一些产权非常明晰的私营企业(如以个体企 业身份上市的达尔曼、通过收购控制的诚成文化等),也出现了董事长潜逃、公司大量资 产被鲸吞现象。请你结合理性经济人、有效市场等,讨论代理问题的一般性,并结合会计 的作用,给出一些有助于解决问题的建议
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Testing for a Fractional Unit Root in Time Series Regression Chingnun Lee, Tzu-Hsiang Liao2 and Fu-Shuen Shie Inst. of Economics, National Sun Yat-sen Univ Kaohsiung, Taiwan Dept. of Finance, National Central Univ, Chung-Li, Taiwan
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Ch.8 Nonspherical Disturbance This chapter will assume that the full ideal conditions hold except that the covari- ance matrix of the disturbance, i.e. E(EE)=02Q2, where Q is not the identity matrix. In particular, Q may be nondiagonal and / or have unequal diagonal ele- ments Two cases we shall consider in details are heteroscedasticity and auto-
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Ch. 6 The Linear model under ideal conditions The(multiple) linear model is used to study the relationship between a dependent variable(Y) and several independent variables(X1, X2, ,Xk). That is ∫(X1,X2,…,Xk)+ E assume linear function 1X1+B2X2+…+6kXk+E xB+ where Y is the dependent or explained
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Ch. 4 Asymptotic Theory From the discussion of last Chapter it is obvious that determining the dis- tribution of h(X1, X2, . . Xr) is by no means a trival exercise. It turns out that more often than not we cannot determine the distribution exactly. Because of the importance of the problem, however, we are forced to develop approximations the subject of this Chapter
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Ch. 2 Probability Theory 1 Descriptive Study of Data 1.1 Histograms and Their Numerical Characteristics By descriptive study of data we refer to the summarization and exposition(tab- ulation, grouping, graphical representation) of observed data as well as the derivation of numerical characteristics such as measures of location, dispersion and shape
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Ch. 23 Cointegration 1 Introduction An important property of (1) variables is that there can be linear combinations of theses variables that are I(O). If this is so then these variables are said to be cointegrated. Suppose that we consider two variables Yt and Xt that are I(1) (For example, Yt= Yt-1+ St and Xt= Xi-1+nt.)Then, Yt and Xt are said to be cointegrated if there exists a B such
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