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1. Different periods of Female Neonatal period:≤4 weeks childhood: 4 weeks to age of 12 adolescence: menarche age of 12-17 sexual maturity: begain 18. maintains for 30 years Operi-menopausal period: begain 40, maintains for 10-20 years pre-menopause, menopause (last time of menorrhae post-menopause
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异常分娩的诊治要点 1产前诊断 2产时诊断 3注重病因学诊断
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一、定义分娩及产褥期生殖道受病原体感染,引起的局部或全身的炎症变化 二、产褥病率 puerperal morbidity):分娩24小时后的10天内,用口表每日测量体温4次,2次大于等于38度
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General Consideration Definition The separation of the placenta from its site of implantation after 20 weeks of gestation or during the course of delivery Frequency 0.51%0-2.33%(our country) 1%o(other countries) Incidence of fetal death
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General Consideration Antenatal cardiovascular changes Blood volume increase by 40%-60%0 Peaking at 32-34 weeks the expansion in plasma volume is greater than that expansion of red cell mass Cardiac output Increase by 40%6-50% Peaking at 20-24 weeks
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Definition Abruptio Placentae( placental abruption): premature separation of the normally implanted placenta from the uterine wall
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影像学检查已是诊新诸多胰腺疾病首选的和主 要的方法。随着CT、MR、ERCP和超声技术的发 畏,胰腺疾病的影像学诊新已取得了很大的迸展 。通过选择合适的检查手段、综合各项成像技术 ,大部分胰腺疾病都可获得比较明确的诊断
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1、商务谈判: 谈判前的准备:对方情况的分析、自 我情况的分析、谈判立场的确定、文案 材料的准备、场地及交通等的准备 谈判的进行:氛围的创造、问题或观 点的查问、矛盾的解决、冷场的处理、 发言与倾听
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1-1人工智能的概念 1-1-1什么是人工智能 (1)人工智能( Artificiallntelligencel]指由计算机实现的 人造智能。人工智能就是用人工的方法在机器(计算机) 上实现的智能。作为一门学科,人工智能可定义为:人工 智能是一门研究如何构造智能机器(智能计算机)或智能 系统,使它能模拟、延伸、扩展人类智能的学科
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