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通过课程学习,使学生了解应用化学专业在当代社会经济发展中的地位,了解应用化学 专业的研究内容、方法与任务,了解应用化学专业内各学科的关系与重要性,了解应用化学 专业的发展方向
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第一章光分析导论 1.1电磁辐射和电磁波谱 1.1.1.电磁辐射: 一种高速度通过空间传播的光量子流,它具有波粒二象性
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a. First determine the eigenvalues:
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The following are some problems that will help you refresh your memory about material you should have learned in undergraduate chemistry classes and that allow you to exercise the material taught in this text
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Why Quantum Mechanics is Necessary for Describing Molecular Properties. We know that all molecules are made of atoms which, in turn, contain nuclei and electrons. As I discuss in this introductory section, the equations that govern the motions of electrons and of nuclei are not the familiar Newton equations
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Chemical dynamics is a field in which scientists study the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions. It also involves the study of how energy is transferred among molecules as they undergo collisions in gas-phase or condensed-phase environments. Therefore, the experimental and theoretical tools used to probe chemical dynamics must
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80 年代,由于分析化学的快速发展,电分析化学 的内容的扩充和更新,这一定义不能准确适应, J.A.Plambeck 修正了这一定义:
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Poison Isolated in 1818 Used as a pestcide and in medicine as a stimulant for the central nervous system Structure elucidation in 1946
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