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L Language Structures(1 20=20 points) Directions: Choose the item that best completes each of the following sentences. When Grandma Wang became ill, the girl often A fitted in B worked out C held back D helped out
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上海交通大学:《综合英语 Comprehensive English》课程教学资源(Close Reading)英语国家文化_Does America Still Exist?
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1 Background of the text 2 Try to answer the following questions 3 Text structure 4 Language points 5 Analysis the long sentences in the text
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Letter of Thanks Writing Practice Main Sentence Problems
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Key to The Test for New Integrated English(II) 2004/6 Part I Listening Comprehension (20%) Section Conversations
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New Integrated English: Unit 4 E-Times Warming-up Programs Duty report Oral Presentation Topic Discussion
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About perseverance Formation: per +severe+e/ance toward a noun form hard/tough/harsh · Meaning: continuation in spite of hardship
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Test for New Integrated English Band(1-B) Key to Test for New Integrated English PartI Listening comprehension 1---10: C D BA D B C A B 11---15 wasted, notebook, pleased, value, spell. Part II vocabulary and structure
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Part I Vocabulary (0.5*40=20) A tended B inclined C intended D declined 2. I took it for that you'd want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket
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中南民族大学:《综合英语》(英文版) 工商学院试卷
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