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This section is concerned with one of the most remarkable features of English pronunciation. Many common English words have two or more pronunciations in speech, depending on their positions in a sentence----a strong form and one or more weak forms
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It should first be pointed out that there are two kinds of stress: word stress and sentence stress. The former is concerned with the stressing of individual words of two or more syllables when they are pronounced in isolation
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Part Two Sounds in Connected Speech 1. Strong and Weak Forms 2. Assimilation and elision 3. Liaison 4. Length of a sound 5. Word stress 6. Sentence stress 7. Rhythm 8. Sense groups and Pause
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1. Definition of tone Tones are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords. 声调是由于声带振动的速率的不同而引起的音高变化
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Vowelsstylised oral cavitycoordinates to marktongue height
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Strong forms & Weak forms Strong forms: stressed forms Weak forms: unstressed forms (schwa / /)
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Types of English Intonation Intonation: Why? Falling Tone Rising Tone Fall-rise Tone
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A Practical Course for Students of English By Wang Guizhen Faculty of English Language & Culture Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
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Linking Vowel to Vowel If our lips are round at the end of the first word, we insert a / / sound: We write it like this: too often who is so I do all We say it like this: toowoften whowis sowI dowall
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Stressed Words & Unstressed Words in a Sentence What is a syllable? A word part and the basic unit of English rhythm What is a stressed syllable? ba NAAAA na
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