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东北农业大学:《精细农业》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第二章 GPS(全球定位系统及其应用)
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1、GPS的组成;(重点) 2、GPS的坐标系统;(重点) 3、GPS的定位原理与方法。(难点)
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GPS Observables Today's class we start discussing the nature of GPS observables and the methods used to make range and phase measurements Start with idea of remotely measuring distances
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武汉大学测绘学院:《GPS原理及其应用》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第二章 全球定位系统的组成及信号结构 2.2 GPS卫星的信号结构
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GPS Groups/Gs There are many international and national groups involved in the deployment of GPS The international organization is the International GPs Service(IGs)
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Today's Lecture Examine specifics of GPS signals Multiple modulations on same carrier signal Structure of signals GPS receiver operation and satellite acquistion
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Primary research programs Geophysical research GPS analysis packages GAMIT (GPS at MIT): Uses double differences GYPSY: Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) processing packages: Uses one-way observables and explicitly estimates clocks Bernese: Developed at Astronomical Institute
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Treat the basic description and dynamics of satellite orbits Major perturbations on GPS satellite orbits · Sources of orbit information: -SP3 format from the International GPS service Broadcast ephemeris message
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Examined methods for measuring distances Examined GPS codes that allow a type of distance measurement and phase to be measured Examine how the range measurements are defined Use of carrier phase measurements Examine rinEx format and look at some \raw data
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