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• Motivation for sockets • What’s in a socket? • Working with socket • Concurrent network applications • Project 1
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Chapter 2: Socket Programming Chapter goal: a Program interface to rotocol Socket API Socket programming model
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2.1 Principles of network applications 2.2 Web and HTTP 2.3 FTP 2.4 Electronic Mail v SMTP, POP3, IMAP 2.5 DNS 2.6 P2P file sharing 2.7 Socket programming with TCP 2.8 Socket programming with UDP 2.9 Building a Web server
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Conceptual Server Algorithm Simple Server Algorithm Create a socket Bind the socket to the port Enter an infinite loop Accept request Process request Reply request Not enough in practice generally
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• 2.1 Principles of network applications • 2.2 Web and HTTP • 2.3 FTP • 2.4 Electronic Mail – SMTP, POP3, IMAP • 2.5 DNS • 2.6 P2P applications • 2.7 Socket programming with TCP • 2.8 Socket programming with UDP
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3.1主板的分类 3.1.1按主板上使用的CPU架构分类 Socket478、 Socket
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11.1 处理URL内容 11.2 使用Socket通信 11.3 使用UDP通信
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一、网络基础知识 二、Java网络编程概述 三、Java网络类和接口 四、基于URL的网络编程 五、基于Socket的网络编程 六、数据报通信的应用
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◼ 7.1 传输层服务 ◼ 7.2 建立连接 ◼ 7.3 Internet中的传输层协议 ◼ 用户数据报协议UDP ◼ 传输控制协议TCP ◼ 7.4 Berkeley Socket
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南京大学:《网络安全与入侵检测 Network Security and Intrusion Detection》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)12 Secure Socket Layer(SSL)、TLS(Transport Layer Security)
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