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PPT格式。Managers and the Law完整课件,对一般的民事侵权行为、过失、诽谤等进行了详细的讲解,适合大学法律系的教师参考使用。
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这是一本较新的为理工科本科水平的读者写的工具书(pdf)。 Chapter 1.Elementary Algebra and Geometry Chapter 2.Determinants, Matrices,and Linear Systems of Equations Chapter 3.Trigonometry Chapter 4.Analytic Geometry Chapter 5.Series, Number Facts, and Theory Chapter 6.Differential Calculus Chapter 7.Integral Calculus Chapter 8.Vector Analysis Chapter 9.Special Functions Chapter 10.Differential Equations Chapter 11.Statistics Chapter 12.Financial Mathematics
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Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs电子图书,pdf格式,内容全面。
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信号与系统pdf电子书,Signals and Systems fall 2003 electronic books newsgroup,content include Assignments,Exams,Lecture Notes,Recitations etc.
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《英语词汇学》ppt教学课件(英文版): Chapter 1 Connection of lexicology with Other branches of lingusitics Chapter 2 Sources of English Vocabulary chapter 3 Compounding chapter 4 blending chapter 5 Conversion Chapter 6 World Meaning and Semantic Relation Chapter 7 Conceptual Meaning chapter 8 social meaning chapter 9 collocative meaning chapter 10 connotative meaning Chapter 11 Words and Gender chapter 12 extension of meaning Chapter 13 Elevation and Degradation of Meaning Chapter 14 Word and Politics Chapter 15 Euphemism Chapter 16 English Idioms Chapter 17 American and British Englishes Chapter 18 How to use a dictionary
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