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南昌大学ACCA课件: 1、About the Instructor.ppt 2、Thinking Like an Economist.ppt 3、Interdependence and the Gains from Trade.ppt 4、The Market Forces of Supply and Demand.ppt 5、Elasticity and Its Application.ppt 6、Supply, Demand and Government Policies.ppt 7、Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets.ppt 8、Application: the Costs of Taxation.ppt 9、Application: International Trade.ppt 10、Externalities.ppt 11、Public Goods and Common Resources.ppt 12、The Design of the Tax System.ppt 13、The Cost of Production.ppt 14、Firms in Competitive Markets.ppt 15、Monopoly.ppt 16、Oligopoly.ppt 17、Monopolistic Competition.ppt 18、The Markets for the Factors of Production.ppt 19、Earnings and Discrimination.ppt 21、The Theory of Consumer Choice.ppt 22、Frontiers of Microeconomics.ppt
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This book is not meant to cover every possible situation that could arise while traveling abroad, just basic needs of business travelers. It might help to remember that most non-English speaking people are thrilled when an English-speaker makes the effort to try to communicate in their language. It is a way of letting the other person know that you value their culture and language, even if they can already communicate in English.
类型:电子教案 大小:16.99MB 下载/浏览:4/1733 评论:5 评分:8.6 积分:10
上海交大的有机化学(英文版)电子教案: Chapter 1 Structure and Bonding;Acids and bases 结构与化学键; 酸和碱.pdf 2. The Nature of Organic Compounds: Alkanes 有机化合物的种类: 烷烃.pdf 3. Alkenes : The Nature of Organic Reaction 烯烃:有机反应的种类.pdf 4. Alkenes and Alkynes.pdf 5. Aromatic Compounds.pdf 6. Stereochemistry.pdf 7. Alkyl Halides.pdf 8. Alcohols, Ethers,and Phenols.pdf 9. Aldehydes and Ketones:Nucleophilic Addition Reactions.pdf 10: Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives.pdf 11. Carbonyl Alpha- Substitution Reactions and Condensations.pdf 12. Amines – Organic Nitrogen Compounds.pdf 13. Structure Determination.pdf
类型:电子教案 大小:3.69MB 下载/浏览:28/2457 评论:9 评分:5.6 积分:10
本课件是关于信号与系统的理论的详细讲解,并且附以很多例子: 1. Signal and System.ppt 2. Linear Time-Invariant Systems.ppt 3. Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals.ppt 4. The continuous time Fourier transform.ppt 5. The Discrete time Fourier Transform.ppt 6. Time and Frequency Characterization of Signals and Systems.ppt 7. Sampling.ppt 8. Communication Systems.ppt 9. The Laplace Transform.ppt
类型:教学课件 大小:1.89MB 下载/浏览:3/1586 评论:3 评分:7.3 积分:10
《计算机专业英语》ppt课件,共14章内容: Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers Chapter 2 Organization of Computers Chapter 3 Number Systems and Boolean Algebra Chapter 4 Data Structure Chapter 5 Operating System Chapter 6 Software Engineering Chapter 7 Programming Languages Chapter 8 The Internet,Technology Chapter 9 The World Wide Web Chapter 10 Computer and Network Security Chapter 11 Database Management Chapter 12 Multimedia Chapter 13 Computer Graphics Chapter 14 Virtual Reality
类型:电子图书 大小:1.82MB 下载/浏览:4/1267 评论:1 评分:5 积分:10
Accent is a combination of three main components: intonation (speech music), liaisons (word connections), and pronunciation (the spoken sounds of vowels, consonants, and combinations). As you go along, you'll notice that you're being asked to look at accent in a different way. You'll also realize that the grammar you studied before and this accent you're studying now are completely different.
类型:电子图书 大小:2.94MB 下载/浏览:2/1799 评论:1 评分:9 积分:10
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