类型:电子图书 大小:749.75KB 下载/浏览:2/1223 评论:0 评分:0 积分:10
It covers more grammar topics than the online version.You can view it on your desktop as an easy reference guide. It is easy to print out pages from this version using any standard printer. You can access regular updates to the Online English Grammar now that you have purchased this copy. All that is required is that you supply your username and password to begin the download. You will receive regular emails when new updates are available. The update subscription is valid for one year from the date you purchased the item from us。
类型:试卷习题 大小:368.19KB 下载/浏览:7/1190 评论:4 评分:6 积分:10
类型:电子图书 大小:4.02MB 下载/浏览:13/2273 评论:4 评分:6.5 积分:10
The book is intended for more advanced students of English. It is written mainly as a self-study book, but might also be used in class with a teacher. It revises some of the more difficult points of grammar that you will have already studied - such as when to use the, a/an or no article, and when to use the past simple or the present perfect - but will also introduce you to many more features of English grammar appropriate to an advanced level of study.
类型:教学课件 大小:234.72KB 下载/浏览:11/2067 评论:9 评分:8.2 积分:10
科技英语写作(Scientific English Writing)ppt,主要内容包括语言的词性、不定词、重点强调的方法、句子等多章,知识点全面。
类型:参考资料 大小:7.65MB 下载/浏览:2/1908 评论:1 评分:4 积分:10
类型:电子教案 大小:1.41MB 下载/浏览:23/1691 评论:5 评分:8 积分:10
Professor: Lin Lihua Unit 1 Management Functions Unit 2 Personnel Management Unit 3 Cash Management Unit 4 QC Management Unit 5 Marketing Management Unit 6 Banking Management Unit 7 Insurance Unit 8 Securities Management Unit 9 Tariff Protection Unit 10 Business Ethics
类型:教学课件 大小:1.16MB 下载/浏览:5/1914 评论:4 评分:8 积分:10
类型:电子图书 大小:1.77MB 下载/浏览:0/1442 评论:0 评分:0 积分:10
This book is not meant to cover every possible situation that could arise while traveling abroad, just basic needs of business travelers. It might help to remember that most non-English speaking people are thrilled when an English-speaker makes the effort to try to communicate in their language. It is a way of letting the other person know that you value their culture and language, even if they can already communicate in English.
类型:电子图书 大小:7.92MB 下载/浏览:1/957 评论:1 评分:6 积分:10
A good turn of Phrase is aimed at students at post-intermediate and advanced levels. It can be used in the classroom or for self-study to help learners use the English language successfully.
类型:教学课件 大小:1.28MB 下载/浏览:98/6656 评论:26 评分:5.9 积分:10
《English for tourism and hospitality》 主编:李昕 中国财政经济出版社 Unit 1:World Tourism Organization Unit 2:Eat-out or Dine-out Unit 3:The International Tourist Unit 4:Breakfast Unit 5:Shopping Unit 6:Tourism and Peace Unit 7:The Most Common Menu Mistakes Unit 8:Spatial Component of the Tourist Unit 9:Restaurant Couponing
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