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重庆大学:《大学英语》College English 4 The Course Curricular

College English 4 The Course Curricular Participants: Second-year Students Majoring Time: 2/2002-6/2002 (The Second Semester of the Academic Year 2001-2002) Teaching Material: College English (Revised edition published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press) Major Task of This Semester Text Learning (4 units altogether) Integral Improvement of English Proficiency

College english The course curricular Participants: Second-year Students Majoring Time: 2/2002-6/2002 (The Second Semester of the Academic Year 2001-2002) Teaching Material: College English(Revised edition published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press Major Task of This Semester O Text Learning (4 units altogether) Integral Improvement of English Proficiency Prepare for CET4 General Goals or Objectives of This Semester 1. Further improve students reading comprehension 2. More Listening practice and the skills to improve their listening comprehension 3. Mastering core words of CET 4 and improve their the ability to use the words in context 4. Practice writing Composition ofCET4 Teaching Plan This term's teaching content covers 10 units. Basically, every two units will be finished within 3 weeks. Except the one-week holidays in National Day there are 15 weeks left for teaching, so at least 9 unit should be finished at the end of this term 时间 内容安排 备注 第1-3周 上第四册书 课文1,2 第二周末 统一做第一套暴光题 用机读卡,分析卷子 第4周 评讲 集体备课后评讲 第5周 单项练习 针对第一套卷子中学生的难 点进行复习练习 「第6周 第2套暴光题 学生课后自己做,随堂评讲 第7周-第10周 上第四册书,单项练习 课文,3,4 第10周末左右 统一做第二套暴光题 第l1周 评讲第二套暴光题集体备课后评讲 第12-16周 统一复习,做四级暴光题集体备课后评讲 Unit One BIG BUCKS THE EASY Way Obiectives: Students will be able to

1 College English 4 The Course Curricular Participants: Second-year Students Majoring Time: 2/2002-6/2002 (The Second Semester of the Academic Year 2001-2002) Teaching Material: College English (Revised edition published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press) Major Task of This Semester ◆Text Learning(4 units altogether) ◆Integral Improvement of English Proficiency ◆ Prepare for CET4 General Goals or Objectives of This Semester 1. Further improve students’ reading comprehension. 2. More Listening practice and the skills to improve their listening comprehension 3. Mastering core words of CET 4 and improve their the ability to use the words in context. 4. Practice writing Composition of CET4 Teaching Plan This term’s teaching content covers 10 units. Basically, every two units will be finished within 3 weeks. Except the one-week holidays in National Day, there are 15 weeks left for teaching, so at least 9 unit should be finished at the end of this term. 时间 内容安排 备注 第 1-3 周 上第四册书 课文 1,2 第二周末 统一做第一套暴光题 用机读卡,分析卷子 第 4 周 评讲 集体备课后评讲 第 5 周 单项练习 针对第一套卷子中学生的难 点进行复习练习 第 6 周 第 2 套暴光题 学生课后自己做,随堂评讲 第 7 周- 第 10 周 上第四册书,单项练习 课文,3, 4 第 10 周末左右 统一做第二套暴光题 第 11 周 评讲第二套暴光题 集体备课后评讲 第 12-16 周 统一复习,做四级暴光题 集体备课后评讲 Unit One BIG BUCKS THE EASY WAY Objectives: Students will be able to:

1. understand the key information of the text: 2. master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 3. understand some idiomatic English usages mentioned in the unit 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unIt Time allotment: Week 1 to week 2 It period: pre-reading; while-reading 2nd period: while-reading d post-reading, writing 6th period: extensive reading 7th& 8th period: listening Pre-reading Tasks:(20m) 1 Introduction(5m) Introductory Remarks. In the United States of America family background or personal influence plays a much less important role than in many other societies. Anyone who wants to becom cessful has to rely mainly on his own efforts. Thats why many American parents encourage their children to do part-time jobs while studying in college or even in high school. This is of great benefit to the young people not only financially but also in the development and formation of character, for in the process of work, they can learn a lot of things which are impossible for them to acquire from their text books at school. In this story, for instance, the two college sons have to develo management skills quickly in order to get their work done, they have to learn cooperation, team work, efficiency and business ethics in order to meet the real world's deadlines. And the two youngest sons have also to learn that you' re never done with books' because books teach us knowledge and theories which are as important as, if not more important than, practical Written in a humorous style, the story also tells us as well as all those youngsters that there is no easy way to earn a lot of money in the United States. You have to learn quickly and work hard before you can get your share of money 2. Warm-up Questions(10m) Before we study the text, please think about the following questions: 1. How do you usually get your pocket money? Is it from your parents? 2. Do you take it for granted that you ask your parents for money? 2

2 1. understand the key information of the text; 2. master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 3. understand some idiomatic English usages mentioned in the unit; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Time allotment: Week 1 to Week 2 1 st period: pre-reading; while-reading 2 nd period: while-reading 3 rd period: while-reading 4 th period: post-reading 5 th period: post-reading, writing 6 th period: extensive reading 7 th & 8th period: listening Pre-reading Tasks: (20m.) 1. Introduction (5m.) Introductory Remarks: In the United States of America family background or personal influence plays a much less important role than in many other societies. Anyone who wants to become successful has to rely mainly on his own efforts. That’s why many American parents encourage their children to do part-time jobs while studying in college or even in high school. This is of great benefit to the young people not only financially but also in the development and formation of character, for in the process of work, they can learn a lot of things which are impossible for them to acquire from their text books at school. In this story, for instance, the two college sons have to develop management skills quickly in order to get their work done; they have to learn cooperation, team work, efficiency and business ethics in order to meet the real world’s deadlines. And the two youngest sons have also to learn that “you’re never done with books”, because books teach us knowledge and theories which are as important as, if not more important than, practical experience. Written in a humorous style, the story also tells us as well as all those youngsters that there is no easy way to earn a lot of money in the United States. You have to learn quickly and work hard before you can get your share of money. 2. Warm-up Questions (10m.) Before we study the text, please think about the following questions: 1.. How do you usually get your pocket money? Is it from your parents? 2.. Do you take it for granted that you ask your parents for money?

3. Have you ever tried to earn it by yourself? 4. What is“ Minimum wage”? 3. Please read the background information on the CD-RoM (5m) While-reading Tasks(115m) 1. Read through the text and do comprehension exercise on P9.(10m) 2. Please answer the following questions: (15m) 1)What did the ad printed on the bag promise? 2)What did the father want his college sons to do? 3)What was the father's response to his sons'answer? 4)What was the job exactly? How did the boys feel at first? 5)What was the mother's response? 6)What measures did the boys take to get the job done on time? 7)What prompted the two youngest sons to offer"for sale of rent their entire library 3. Please find the corresponding English expressions. (20m) Chinese English ·考虑 look into ·可以容忍 live with 令我痛心 It pains me 伸手要钱 panhandlelask for money 出差 on a business trip (车)开过来 因.受责备 be blamed for 易如反掌 a piece of cake 抱着一大捆 接着第二天 the following day ·廉价商店 a dime store 小杂货店 drug store 堆满了 be crammed wall-to-wall 成堆 in stacks 超过极限 out of the range of 午餐约会 a lunch dat 还是别做.好 know better than to do 外交语言 the language of diplomacy ·无济于事充分利用 not make a dent in the work/situationget ·体罚 he best out of

3 3.. Have you ever tried to earn it by yourself? 4.. What is “Minimum Wage”? 3. Please read the background information on the CD-ROM. (5m.) While-reading Tasks (115m.) 1.Read through the text and do comprehension exercise on P9. (10m.) 2.Please answer the following questions: (15m.) 1) What did the ad printed on the bag promise? 2) What did the father want his college sons to do? 3) What was the father’s response to his sons’ answer? 4) What was the job exactly? How did the boys feel at first? 5) What was the mother’s response? 6) What measures did the boys take to get the job done on time? 7) What prompted the two youngest sons to offer “for sale of rent” their entire library? 3. Please find the corresponding English expressions. (20m) Chinese English • 考虑 • 可以容忍 • 令我痛心 • 伸手要钱 • 出差 • (车)开过来 • 因…受责备 • 易如反掌 • 抱着一大捆 • 接着第二天 • 廉价商店 • 小杂货店 • 堆满了 • 成堆 • 超过极限 • 午餐约会 • 还是别做…好 • 外交语言 • 无济于事充分利用 • 体罚 • look into • live with • It pains me • panhandle/ask for money • on a business trip • pull up • be blamed for • a piece of cake • carry loads of • the following day • a dime store • drug store • be crammed wall-to-wall • in stacks • out of the range of • a lunch date • know better than to do • the language of diplomacy • not make a dent in the work/situationget the best out of • bodily harm

Chinese English ·减少利润 cut into the profit ·恍然大悟 work a profound change in 教会某人做人 work a profound change in one's 没有理由 竞争奖金 双方 · competitive bonuses 开始减少 both parties 结果 begin to shrink ·截止期之前 as it turns out ·结帐 before the deadline ·劳务支出 settle the account ·正如.说的一样 labor cost 一切正常 pu 引起对…注意 从各个角落 draw one s attention to 垃圾车 from various corners 无意中听到某人议论 a trash pickup 弄清真相 overhear sb. Discussing 供出售/出租 reveal the fact 某人的全部藏书 for sale/rent 不如做.更好 one's entire library might/may/could as well do 4. Language points(25m) 1)deliver: We were told the pizza would be delivered in 20 minutes The president will deliver a speech about schools tomorrow N. delivery agree on: reach an agreement; find(sth )mutually acceptable agree with: share the same view as(sb. gree to accept or give consent to The workers threatened to strike unless the employer agreed the terms with twenty-four hours Through the mediation of friendly nations, the two sides agreed fire He agreed the proposal though he did not actually ag It The war between the two countries has lasted more than a decade. It seems as if the two sides would never agree an end to hostilities 3)deadline: the last possible date or time by which sth. must be done or finished

4 Chinese English • 减少利润 • 恍然大悟 • 教会某人做人 • 没有理由 • 竞争奖金 • 双方 • 开始减少 • 结果 • 截止期之前 • 结帐 • 劳务支出 • 正如…说的一样 • 一切正常 • 引起对 …注意 • 从各个角落 • 垃圾车 • 无意中听到某人议论 • 弄清真相 • 供出售/出租 • 某人的全部藏书 • 不如做…更好 • cut into the profit • work a profound change in • work a profound change in one’s personality • have no business doing • competitive bonuses • both parties • begin to shrink • as it turns out • before the deadline • settle the account • labor cost • as … put it • all go well • draw one’s attention to • from various corners • a trash pickup • overhear sb. Discussing • reveal the fact • for sale/rent • one’s entire library • might/may/could as well do 4. Language points (25m) 1) deliver: We were told the pizza would be delivered in 20 minutes. The president will deliver a speech about schools tomorrow. N. delivery 2) agree: agree on: reach an agreement; find (sth.) mutually acceptable agree with: share the same view as (sb.) agree to: accept or give consent to The workers threatened to strike unless the employer agreed _____ the terms within twenty-four hours. Through the mediation of friendly nations, the two sides agreed _____ a cease-fire. He agreed ______ the proposal though he did not actually agree ______ it. The war between the two countries has lasted more than a decade. It seems as if the two sides would never agree ______ an end to hostilities. Key: to, on, to, with, on 3) deadline: the last possible date or time by which sth. must be done or finished

What's your deadline for finishing the book report? The work was done two hours before Fridays 5 p.m. deadline 4)finance: provide money, esp a large amount of money, to pay for sth The local authorities have refused to finance our housing project His company needs a man who really knows finance Whether it can be done or not depends, of course, on your finance 5)may /might as well. have no strong reason not to do Since it's such a fine day, we might as well go home on foot Since you are all here i may as well tell you all about it 5. Translation: (30m.) 1)我父亲做事总是不紧不慢 My father does everything in a leisurely manner 2)看到儿子受罪,母亲真是心疼。 It really pained the mother to see her son suffering 3)这家商店送货及时。 This store makes prompt delivery 4)我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience the next day 5)这么多人挤上一辆公车是很危险的? It's dangerous for so many people to be crammed into one bus 6)在王教授的书房里,你可以看到很多书堆在地板上 In Prof. Wangs study you can find stacks of books on the floor. 7)牛奶酸了。 The milk has gone sour 8)学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是大部分学生却至今几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term paper, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far 9)河水遭到污染,使那个街区的房屋价值下降。 The pollution of the river cut into the value of the houses in that neighborhood 10)两个月的军训改变了他的生活习惯。(work) The two-month military training has worked a change in his living habits 11)如此一个小公司怎能在竞争激烈的商界里生存? How will such a small firm survive in the competitive world of business 12)我觉得奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didnt seem to remember his own birthday 13)我们需要为学术研究募集资金

5 What’s your deadline for finishing the book report? The work was done two hours before Friday’s 5 p.m. deadline. 4) finance: provide money, esp. a large amount of money, to pay for sth. The local authorities have refused to finance our housing project. N. His company needs a man who really knows finance. Whether it can be done or not depends, of course, on your finance. 5) may / might as well: have no strong reason not to do Since it’s such a fine day, we might as well go home on foot. Since you are all here, I may as well tell you all about it. 5. Translation: (30m.) 1) 我父亲做事总是不紧不慢。 My father does everything in a leisurely manner. 2) 看到儿子受罪,母亲真是心疼。 It really pained the mother to see her son suffering. 3) 这家商店送货及时。 This store makes prompt delivery. 4) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience the next day. 5) 这么多人挤上一辆公车是很危险的? It’s dangerous for so many people to be crammed into one bus. 6) 在王教授的书房里,你可以看到很多书堆在地板上。 In Prof. Wang’s study you can find stacks of books on the floor. 7) 牛奶酸了。 The milk has gone sour. 8) 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是大部分学生却至今几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term paper, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 9) 河水遭到污染,使那个街区的房屋价值下降。 The pollution of the river cut into the value of the houses in that neighborhood. 10) 两个月的军训改变了他的生活习惯。(work) The two-month military training has worked a change in his living habits. 11) 如此一个小公司怎能在竞争激烈的商界里生存? How will such a small firm survive in the competitive world of business. 12) 我觉得奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn’t seem to remember his own birthday. 13) 我们需要为学术研究募集资金

We need to raise finance for academic research 14)不管怎么说,你已经来了,就多呆几天 Anyway, you're here, you might as well stay for a few more days 6. Fill in the table(15m) Old words/expressions New words/expressions unhurried/relaxed leisurely endure live with ask inform cram appointment date extra money careful thinking thoughtful have the right to be entitled to reduce shrink think hear by chance overhear Post-reading Tasks(45m) 1. Group Discussion(20m) What are the advantage and disadvantages of college students doing part-time jobs? 1) They can make some money for their own use---to buy books, to go traveling, etc. 2) They can learn some practical skills or techniques and form a sound attitude toward labor rather manual or ment 3) They can learn more about the world they live in and how to get along with various kinds of peopl 4)They can develop some good work habits and more importantly, a sense of responsibility 5)With fewer hours for their studies, they may work even harder and make better use of their precious tim Disadvantages: 1)With less time for their studies, some students may fall behind 2)With more money in their pockets, some students may form the bad habits of spending money freely A few students may become interested in nothing but money and profits and even break the law in order to make more 2. Do some exercises in Study Practice(25m

6 We need to raise finance for academic research. 14) 不管怎么说,你已经来了,就多呆几天。 Anyway, you’re here; you might as well stay for a few more days. 6. Fill in the table (15m.) Old words/expressions New words/expressions • unhurried/relaxed • endure • ask • tell • fill • tie • appointment • extra money • careful thinking • have the right to • reduce • happenings • think • hear by chance • finish • leisurely • live with • inquire • inform • cram • band • date • bonus • thoughtful • be entitled to • shrink • goings-on • assume • overhear • be done with Post-reading Tasks (45m) 1. Group Discussion (20m.) What are the advantage and disadvantages of college students doing part-time jobs? Advantages: 1) They can make some money for their own use --- to buy books, to go traveling, etc. 2) They can learn some practical skills or techniques and form a sound attitude toward labor, rather manual or mental. 3) They can learn more about the world they live in and how to get along with various kinds of people. 4) They can develop some good work habits and more importantly, a sense of responsibility. 5) With fewer hours for their studies, they may work even harder and make better use of their precious time. Disadvantages: 1) With less time for their studies, some students may fall behind. 2) With more money in their pockets, some students may form the bad habits of spending money freely. 3) A few students may become interested in nothing but money and profits and even break the law in order to make more money. 2. Do some exercises in Study & Practice (25m

Do the following exercises cabulary; Word-building; Structure; Translation Writing Task(45m.) Fast Food 1.快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映。 2.a快餐受欢迎有两条原因: b.然而,从营养角度来讲,快餐却差强人意。 3.对快餐还是以偶尔品尝为宜 (=ERF)Fast food is becoming more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, it's certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food (分述原因) There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal saving time and fast food well serves this purpose. You just go into a fast food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in no time. You can either eat it there or take it away. Second. its popularity also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food However, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It usually does not compose balanced diet and is low in nutritional value. Thus, doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Although cooking at home is time-consuming and the following washing-up tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. (结论) nsitional Expressions finally/eventually/at last/at length/last of al in brief/short in conclusion/a word/general In summary therefore/thus/so to sum up/conclude/summarize briefly/above all as has been noted/explained accordingly surely/certainly/obviously/truly in the end/in the last analysis/in the last place finally/eventually/at last/at length/last of all in brief/short in conclusion/a word/general In summary therefore/thus/so

7 Do the following exercises ___ Vocabulary; Word-building; Structure; Translation. Writing Task (45m.) Fast Food 1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映。 2. a. 快餐受欢迎有两条原因: b. 然而,从营养角度来讲,快餐却差强人意。 3. 对快餐还是以偶尔品尝为宜。 Sample writing: (主题句)Fast food is becoming more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, it's certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food. (分述原因)There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal —— saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. You just go into a fast food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in no time. You can either eat it there or take it away. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food. However, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutritional value. Thus, doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Although cooking at home is time — consuming and the following washing-up tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. (结论) Transitional Expressions finally/eventually/at last/at length/last of all in brief/short in conclusion/a word/general in summary therefore/thus/so to sum up/conclude/summarize briefly/above all as has been noted/explained accordingly surely/certainly/obviously/truly in the end/in the last analysis/in the last place finally/eventually/at last/at length/last of all in brief/short in conclusion/a word/general in summary therefore/thus/so

to sum up/ conclude/summarize briefly/above all as has been noted/explained accordingly surely/certainly/obviously/truly in the end/in the last analysis/in the last place all in all all this means that to make a long story short it may be confirmed /said that on the whole Extensive Reading Tasks(45m . 1. Explain the useful phrases and expressions in Passage 1 Strength to Love.(15m) 2. Check the answers to the exercises of Passage 1, Passage 2 and Passage 3 in Unit One. (30m.) Listening Tasks(90m. 1. Lesson One: Descriptions()(45m.) 2. Lesson Two: Descriptions(Il)(45m. Unit Two DEER AND THE ENERGY CYCLE Intensive reading Obiectives: Students will be able to 1. understand the key information of the text 2. master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 3. understand idiomatic English usag 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the Time allotment: Week 3 to Week 4 iod: pre-reading 4 period: post-read

8 to sum up/conclude/summarize briefly/above all as has been noted/explained accordingly surely/certainly/obviously/truly in the end/in the last analysis/in the last place all in all all this means that to make a long story short it may be confirmed /said that on the whole Extensive Reading Tasks (45m.) 1. Explain the useful phrases and expressions in Passage 1 Strength to Love. (15m.) 2. Check the answers to the exercises of Passage 1, Passage 2 and Passage 3 in Unit One. (30m.) Listening Tasks (90m.) 1. Lesson One: Descriptions (I) (45m.) 2. Lesson Two: Descriptions (II) (45m.) Unit Two DEER AND THE ENERGY CYCLE Intensive Reading Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. understand the key information of the text; 2. master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 3. understand some idiomatic English usages mentioned in the unit; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Time allotment: Week 3 to Week 4 1 st period: pre-reading 2 nd period: while-reading 3 rd period: while-reading 4 th period: post-reading

5th period: writing 6 period: extensive reading 7th& 8th period: listening Pre-reading Tasks (45m.) 1 Introduction(5m. Life depends on energy. All human beings eat food and make use of the chemical energy in it, and do so all other animals. Calling energy the currency of the ecological system, the author argues that it is neither love nor money but energy that makes the world go round. However, our energy sources are limited and, to make matter worse, we are rapidly using up energy supplies. It is extremely important therefore that we conserve the supplies we have so as to make them last as long as possible In this article the author describe in great detail of deer round the year and the various means by which they survive the hard winter. When he concludes by saying"it is biologically reasonable for deer to reduce their cost of living to increase their chances of surviving in winter. he is actually leading us to the question: if deer can do that, why not human beings? 2. Warm-up Questions:(10m) 1)What kinds of energy sources do we have? 2)How many of them are renewable? And how many of them are not? 3) Among them, what kinds are raw power? 4) What is the current situation of energy sources in the world? 3. Study the male and female names of these animals (5m) ANIMAL NAME: FEMALE NAME: MALE NAME bull mare stallion ewe ram fox vIxen fox duck drake goose gander cat

9 5 th period: writing 6 th period: extensive reading 7 th & 8th period: listening Pre-reading Tasks (45m.) 1. Introduction (5m.) Life depends on energy. All human beings eat food and make use of the chemical energy in it, and do so all other animals. Calling energy the currency of the ecological system, the author argues that it is neither love nor money but energy that makes the world go round. However, our energy sources are limited and, to make matter worse, we are rapidly using up energy supplies. It is extremely important therefore that we conserve the supplies we have so as to make them last as long as possible. In this article the author describe in great detail of deer round the year and the various means by which they survive the hard winter. When he concludes by saying "it is biologically reasonable for deer to reduce their cost of living to increase their chances of surviving in winter." he is actually leading us to the question: if deer can do that, why not human beings? 2. Warm-up Questions: (10m.) 1) What kinds of energy sources do we have? 2) How many of them are renewable? And how many of them are not? 3) Among them, what kinds are raw power? 4) What is the current situation of energy sources in the world? 3. Study the male and female names of these animals. (5m.) ANIMAL NAME: FEMALE NAME: MALE NAME: ox cow bull horse mare stallion sheep ewe ram pig sow boar fox vixen fox fowl hen cock duck duck drake goose goose gander cat queen tom dog bitch dog

tigress t lion lie lid 4. Now lets do the listening comprehension on CD-ROM. (10m) 5. Find some key words in the text and work out the energy cvcle of deer in the four seasons. (15m.) Reduce activity, grow a coat of hair. lower active again se reserves of fat summer autumn Eat much, store the quality food in order excess in the form of Fat, active in growing for the winter Adult male grow While-reading Tasks(90m) l Do reading comprehension exercise on P30(10m) 2. The text is divided into 3 parts. Please find out the main idea for each part according to the paragraphs (10m. Part I(para. 1): the author states the main idea of the article: energy is the currency of the cological system; it is energy that makes the world go round, and it is on the energy cycle that all life depends Part 2(para2-8) to illustrate the main idea, the author takes wild animals such as the white-tailed deer as a typical ple of energy saving, and describe in detail the life of deer Part 3(para. 9-10): the author draws a conclusion from the life cycle, which reinforces the main idea of the article 3. Look for the corresponding English or Chinese for the following useful expressions (10m

10 tiger tigress tiger lion lioness lion 4. Now let's do the listening comprehension on CD-ROM. (10m.) 5. Find some key words in the text and work out the energy cycle of deer in the four seasons. (15m.) While-reading Tasks(90m.) 1. Do reading comprehension exercise on P30. (10m.) 2. The text is divided into 3 parts. Please find out the main idea for each part according to the paragraphs. (10m.) Part 1(para. 1): the author states the main idea of the article: energy is the currency of the ecological system; it is energy that makes the world go round, and it is on the energy cycle that all life depends. Part 2(para.2-8):to illustrate the main idea, the author takes wild animals such as the white-tailed deer as a typical example of energy saving, and describe in detail the life of deer in the four seasons. Part 3(para.9-10):the author draws a conclusion from the life cycle, which reinforces the main idea of the article. 3. Look for the corresponding English or Chinese for the following useful expressions. (10m.) Reduce activity, grow a coat of hair, lower their metabolism, and use reserves of fat spring winter summer autumn Continue to eat high quality food in order to deposit body fat for the winter Eat much, store the excess in the form of Fat, active in growing Adult male:grow antler;get fat Adult female:produce milk Fawns:less dependent on milk; search for food Become active again



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