
福州大学:《液压与气压传动》课程电子教案(PPT教学课件)Chapter 09 Design of Hydraulic Transmission systems

9.1 The Approach for Design of Hydrostatic Circuits 9.1.1 Determination of design requirements 9.1.2 Analysis for working conditions and determination of main parameters 9.1.3 Determination of hydraulic system diagram 9.1.4 Calculation and selection of hydraulic components 9.1.5 Performance check for a hydraulic system designed 9.1.6 Drawing of working diagrams and technical documents 9.2 A Design Example of Hydraulic Systems 9.2.1 Analysis of working conditions 9.2.2 Determination of main parameters of the actuator 9.2.3 Design of hydraulic systems 9.2.4 Selection of hydraulic components 9.2.5 Performance check for hydraulic systems