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四川外语学院:《心理语言学 Psycholinguistics》课程PPT教学课件_lecture 2 Language Comprehension

◼ LC at the Phonological Level ◼ Research Method ◼ The Structure of Speech ◼ Perception of Isolated Speech Segments ◼ Perception of Continuous Speech ◼ Perception of Written Language ◼ LC at the Lexical Level ◼ Dimensions of Word knowledge ◼ Organization of the Internal Lexicon ◼ Models of Lexical Access ◼ Implications ◼ LC at the Sentence Level ◼ Comprehension of Sentence ◼ Sentence Memory For Sentences ◼ LC at the Discourse Level ◼ Comprehension of Discourse ◼ Memory for Discourse ◼ Educational Implications ◼ **Blending Theory and Discourse ◆ This analysis of language comprehension into four levels of processing is for convenience of exposition; it does not necessarily mean that we process language in a strictly serial manner.

Psycholinguistics ( Le ecture 2) (心理语言学) Jiang meng Sichuan International Studies University Mar 2012

Psycholinguistics (Lecture 2) (心理语言学) Jiang Meng Sichuan International Studies University Mar.2012

Part Two Language comprehension

Part Two Language Comprehension

Part Two Language Comprehension (LC) LC at the Phonological Level lC at the lexical level LC at the sentence level LC at the discourse level This analysis of language comprehension into four levels of processing for convenience of exposition it does not necessarily mean that we process language in a strictly serial manner

Part Two: Language Comprehension (LC) ◼ LC at the Phonological Level ◼ LC at the Lexical Level ◼ LC at the Sentence Level ◼ LC at the Discourse Level ◆ This analysis of language comprehension into four levels of processing is for convenience of exposition; it does not necessarily mean that we process language in a strictly serial manner

LC at the Phonological level perception of language ■ Research method The Structure of speech a Perception of Isolated Speech Segments Perception of Continuous speech Perception of Written Language Back

LC at the Phonological Level: perception of language ◼ Research Method ◼ The Structure of Speech ◼ Perception of Isolated Speech Segments ◼ Perception of Continuous Speech ◼ Perception of Written Language Back

Research method ■ Research devices ■ Research techniques Back

Research Method ◼ Research Devices ◼ Research techniques Back

■ Research devices ◆ Sound Spectrograph(声音摄谱仪 Electromyography(电子肌动记录仪) records the slight change of the voltage as caused by muscular motor ◆ Electrokymography(电子记波仪) records the change of the airflow in oral and nasal cavities when speaking

◼ Research Devices ◆ Sound Spectrograph (声音摄谱仪) ◆ Electromyography (电子肌动记录仪): records the slight change of the voltage as caused by muscular motor ◆ Electrokymography (电子记波仪): records the change of the airflow in oral and nasal cavities when speaking

◆ Electropalatography(电子腭位记录仪) records the contact of the tongue and the palate in the oral cavity Cineradiography 摄影射线技术) records the dynamic change of speech articulation

◆ Electropalatography(电子腭位记录仪): records the contact of the tongue and the palate in the oral cavity ◆ Cineradiography (摄影射线技术): records the dynamic change of speech articulation

序号项目中英文名称 型号数量价格(人民币) 听觉实验仪 BD-V-116 3600.00 注意广度测试仪 BD-Ⅴ-315 3980 注意分配测试仪 BD-V-314 4200 4注意力集中能力测定仪BD-310 5250 学习迁移测试仪 BD-V-406 4250 记忆广度测试仪 BD-V-407 3980 瞬时记忆测试仪 BD-V-408 4150 再认能力测试仪 BD-V-410 3980 多项反应时测定仪 BD-V-509 4350

序号 项目中英文名称 型号 数量 价格(人民币) 1 听觉实验仪 BD- V -116 1 3600.00 2 注意广度测试仪 BD- V -315 1 3980 3 注意分配测试仪 BD- V -314 1 4200 4 注意力集中能力测定仪 BD- V -310 1 5250 5 学习迁移测试仪 BD- V -406 1 4250 6 记忆广度测试仪 BD- V -407 1 3980 7 瞬时记忆测试仪 BD- V -408 1 4150 8 再认能力测试仪 BD- V -410 1 3980 9 多项反应时测定仪 BD- V -509 1 4350

■ Research techniques ◆ Phoneme monitoring; a classic technique that involved the subject listening to a sentence and attempting to locate a particular phoneme. When the phoneme was detected the subject had to press a button and thus the reaction times were recorded o For more. see the coursebook Back

◼ Research techniques ◆ Phoneme Monitoring: ⧫ a classic technique that involved the subject listening to a sentence and attempting to locate a particular phoneme. When the phoneme was detected the subject had to press a button and thus the reaction times were recorded. ⧫ For more, see the coursebook Back

The Structure of speech The Articulatory Structure of Speech The Acoustic Structure of Speech Back

The Structure of Speech ◼ The Articulatory Structure of Speech ◼ The Acoustic Structure of Speech Back

共315页,可试读40页,点击继续阅读 ↓↓


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