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四川外语学院:《科技翻译》课程教学资源_week 12_高清摄像笔使用中英文说明书


高清摄像笔使用说明书 图片仅供参考,请以实物为准

高清摄像笔使用说明书 图片仅供参考,请以实物为准

结构示意图 指示灯 开关 复位键 摄像头 麦克风 插卡处 USB接口 二、产品简介 图片仅供参考,请以实物为准 本产品是具有高清影音拍摄功能的数码笔,可以拍摄和存储髙画质有声视频。具有操作简 便,小巧精致,美观实用,便于携带的特点,是商务、教育、安防、媒体、司法、旅游、医疗

一、 结构示意图 二、 产品简介 本产品是具有高清影音拍摄功能的数码笔,可以拍摄和存储高画质有声视频。具有操作简 便,小巧精致,美观实用,便于携带的特点,是商务、教育、安防、媒体、司法、旅游、医疗, 图片仅供参考,请以实物为准 开关 指示灯 复位键 摄像头 麦克风 插卡处 USB接口

生活等领域必备的实用工具,深受广大用户青睐。 操作说明 1.开关机:长按按钮2秒钟,完成开机,进入待机状态,此时摄像机指示灯绿灯长亮; 在有指示灯点亮的任意状态下,长按开关键,摄像机将自动保存当前摄录文件并关机。 2.录制视频:摄像机进入摄像等待状态,此时绿灯长亮,长按按钮,绿灯闪烁三下,开 始录像;再次短按按钮,停止录像,保存文件,此时红绿恢复长亮;为了保证拍摄文 件的大小和安全,系统将每隔50分钟自动保存一次文件,并继续录像。 3.拍照:开机后,摄像机进入摄像等待状态,此时绿灯长亮,短按按钮,绿灯闪烁下, 开始拍照并保存;再按一次,绿灯闪烁_下,开始拍照并保存;周而复始 4.PC摄像头在任意模式的开机状态下连接电脑∪SB接口即可进入 PC Camera(网 络摄像头)模式,在该模式下,你可以将摄像机作为电脑摄像头使用,与好友网上视 频聊天,拍摄大头贴,等等。 5.连接电脑:在关机状态或者待机状态时,可以连接电脑,此时,电脑将会弹出可移动 磁盘标识,影像文件保存目录为:*盘\_REC\100MEDA;当摄像机与电脑交换数据 时,绿灯会快速闪烁;需要卸载摄像机时,请点击任务栏右下角的可移动设备管理图 标,在里面卸载该可移动存储设备,待系统确认可以安全拔岀硬件后,再断开摄像机 与电脑的连接

生活等领域必备的实用工具,深受广大用户青睐。 三、 操作说明 1. 开关机:长按按钮 2 秒钟,完成开机,进入待机状态,此时摄像机指示灯绿灯长亮; 在有指示灯点亮的任意状态下,长按开关键,摄像机将自动保存当前摄录文件并关机。 2. 录制视频:摄像机进入摄像等待状态,此时绿灯长亮,长按按钮,绿灯闪烁三下,开 始录像;再次短按按钮,停止录像,保存文件,此时红绿恢复长亮;为了保证拍摄文 件的大小和安全,系统将每隔 50 分钟自动保存一次文件,并继续录像。 3. 拍照:开机后,摄像机进入摄像等待状态,此时绿灯长亮,短按按钮,绿灯闪烁一下, 开始拍照并保存;再按一次,绿灯闪烁一下,开始拍照并保存;周而复始。 4. PC 摄像头:在任意模式的开机状态下,连接电脑 USB 接口,即可进入 PC Camera (网 络摄像头)模式,在该模式下,你可以将摄像机作为电脑摄像头使用,与好友网上视 频聊天,拍摄大头贴,等等。 5. 连接电脑:在关机状态或者待机状态时,可以连接电脑,此时,电脑将会弹出可移动 磁盘标识,影像文件保存目录为:*盘\ _REC\100MEDIA;当摄像机与电脑交换数据 时,绿灯会快速闪烁;需要卸载摄像机时,请点击任务栏右下角的可移动设备管理图 标,在里面卸载该可移动存储设备,待系统确认可以安全拔出硬件后,再断开摄像机 与电脑的连接

6.充电:连接电脑USB接口或充电器,即可对摄像机进行充电,当电池处于充电状态时, 红灯将慢速闪烁,当电池充满电后,红灯变为长亮 7.设置时间:摄像机提供了在视频文件中显示录像时间的功能,你可以根据实际需要设 置时间的值;时间显示格式为:“年月.日时:分:秒”,设置时间方法如下 a.关闭摄像机——》连接电脑—》打开摄像机可移动磁盘——》在摄像机根目录 下面空白处单击鼠标右键——》把鼠标移至弹岀菜单的“新建”选项上方——》选择 “文本文档”—》给该文本文档取名为“tme",需要注意它的扩展名为“txt 》时间设置文件建成;你也可以按照上述步骤在电脑桌面、其他磁盘分区、其他文 件夹下建好后再拷贝到可移动磁盘的根目录。 b.打开“time"文本文档,在里面输入时间设置字符串,字符串由“年月日时分秒 几个部分组成,要设置时间,请按以下格式设置 2009.0101120101Y 上述格式中的时间字符串部分为你想设置的时间值,注意年月日与时分秒中的空格。 c.确认时间设置文件已经拷贝到根目录之后,卸载硬件,开机,时间设置完成 d.设置好的时间将保存到摄像机里面 异常处理: 摄像机存储空间不足时,将在绿灯和红灯同时闪烁约5秒后,自动保存当前影像 文件并关机。如果你要继续使用摄像机,请在电脑上备份重要的影像文件,并删除存 储器内的旧文件,以腾出足够存储空间 摄像机电池余量不足时,将在绿灯和红灯交替闪烁约5秒后,自动保存当前影像

6. 充电:连接电脑 USB 接口或充电器,即可对摄像机进行充电,当电池处于充电状态时, 红灯将慢速闪烁,当电池充满电后,红灯变为长亮; 7. 设置时间:摄像机提供了在视频文件中显示录像时间的功能,你可以根据实际需要设 置时间的值;时间显示格式为:“年.月.日 时:分:秒”,设置时间方法如下: a. 关闭摄像机——》连接电脑——》打开摄像机可移动磁盘——》在摄像机根目录 下面空白处单击鼠标右键——》把鼠标移至弹出菜单的“新建”选项上方——》选择 “文本文档”——》给该文本文档取名为“time”,需要注意它的扩展名为“.txt” — —》时间设置文件建成;你也可以按照上述步骤在电脑桌面、其他磁盘分区、其他文 件夹下建好后再拷贝到可移动磁盘的根目录。 b. 打开“time”文本文档,在里面输入时间设置字符串,字符串由“年月日 时分秒” 几个部分组成,要设置时间,请按以下格式设置: 2009.01.01 12.01.01 Y 上述格式中的时间字符串部分为你想设置的时间值,注意年月日与时分秒中的空格。 c. 确认时间设置文件已经拷贝到根目录之后,卸载硬件,开机,时间设置完成。 d. 设置好的时间将保存到摄像机里面。 异常处理: 摄像机存储空间不足时,将在绿灯和红灯同时闪烁约 5 秒后,自动保存当前影像 文件并关机。如果你要继续使用摄像机,请在电脑上备份重要的影像文件,并删除存 储器内的旧文件,以腾出足够存储空间; 摄像机电池余量不足时,将在绿灯和红灯交替闪烁约 5 秒后,自动保存当前影像

文件并关机。如果你要继续使用摄像机,请先充电 摄像机因偶然的不当操作或其他特殊原因停止响应时,可以用牙签等非金属细棍 伸入复位孔进行复位。 四、相关参数 项目 相关参数 视频格式 AⅥI 视频编码 A-JPEG 视频分辨率 1280*960VGA 视频帧率 30fps±1fps 播放软件 操作系统自带或主流影音播放软件 影像比例 4:3 支持系统 Windows me/2000/xp/2003/vista 充电电压 DC-5V 接口类型 Mini usB接口 存储支持 TF卡 电池类型 高容量聚合物锂电 五、注意事项 a)使用场合:请严格遵守国家相关法令,不得将此产品用于任何非法用途,否则后果 自负

文件并关机。如果你要继续使用摄像机,请先充电; 摄像机因偶然的不当操作或其他特殊原因停止响应时,可以用牙签等非金属细棍 伸入复位孔进行复位。 四、 相关参数 项 目 相关参数 视频格式 AVI 视频编码 M-JPEG 视频分辨率 1280*960 VGA 视频帧率 30fps±1fps 播放软件 操作系统自带或主流影音播放软件 影像比例 4:3 支持系统 Windows me/2000/xp/2003/vista 充电电压 DC-5V 接口类型 Mini USB 接口 存储支持 TF 卡 电池类型 高容量聚合物锂电 五、 注意事项 a) 使用场合:请严格遵守国家相关法令,不得将此产品用于任何非法用途,否则后果 自负

b)关于电池:随着使用时间增长,电池工作时间会有所缩短。长久未使用,请在使用 前先充满电。 C)文件安全:本产品非专业存储设备,不保证內部存储文件的完整性和安全性,请即 时在电脑或者其他存储设备上备份您的重要文件。 d)摄录品质:本产品非专业摄录设备,不保证所摄录文件的效果能达到您的期望。 )工作温度:0-40°C f)工作湿度:20%—80%,请勿将产品置于潮湿的工作环境,产品不具备防水功能。 g)拍摄照度∶请勿将摄像头直接对着太阳等强光源,以免光学器件受到损伤。 h)保洁要求:请勿在粉尘密度过大的环境下使用,以免镜头以及其他部件沾染粉尘, 影响摄像效果。镜头可以用擦镜纸或眼镜布轻轻擦拭,保持洁净。 )其他事项:该产品属于精密电子产品,请勿使其受到强烈沖击、震动;请勿在强磁 场、强电场下使用。 j)补充说明:其他未明事宜请与当地经销商联系

b) 关于电池:随着使用时间增长,电池工作时间会有所缩短。长久未使用,请在使用 前先充满电。 c) 文件安全:本产品非专业存储设备,不保证内部存储文件的完整性和安全性,请即 时在电脑或者其他存储设备上备份您的重要文件。 d) 摄录品质:本产品非专业摄录设备,不保证所摄录文件的效果能达到您的期望。 e) 工作温度:0—40°C。 f) 工作湿度:20%—80%,请勿将产品置于潮湿的工作环境,产品不具备防水功能。 g) 拍摄照度:请勿将摄像头直接对着太阳等强光源,以免光学器件受到损伤。 h) 保洁要求:请勿在粉尘密度过大的环境下使用,以免镜头以及其他部件沾染粉尘, 影响摄像效果。镜头可以用擦镜纸或眼镜布轻轻擦拭,保持洁净。 i) 其他事项:该产品属于精密电子产品,请勿使其受到强烈冲击、震动;请勿在强磁 场、强电场下使用。 j) 补充说明:其他未明事宜请与当地经销商联系

High-definition camera pen manual Picture for reference only, please

High-definition camera pen manual Picture for reference only, please prevail in kind

六、 the structure diagram Indica Open Rese Microp USB Card Interfac Picture for reference only, please 七、 Introduction This product is a high-definition audio and video capture function of a digital pen that can capture and store high-definition video with sound. Is a simple, small and exquisite beautiful and practical, easy to carry features for business, education, security, media, justice, tourism, health, life and other areas of essential utilities, deeply favored customers

六、 the structure diagram 七、 Introduction This product is a high-definition audio and video capture function of a digital pen that can capture and store high-definition video with sound. Is a simple, small and exquisite, beautiful and practical, easy to carry features for business, education, security, media, justice, tourism, health, life and other areas of essential utilities, deeply favored customers. Picture for reference only, please prevail in kind Open Indica tor Rese T Camera Microp hone Card office USB Interfac e Interfac e

八、 operation instructions 8. Switch Machine: Long press the button two seconds to complete the boot into standby mode, this time a long green indicator light cameras; in a light lit in any state, long press to open the key, the camera will automatically save the current photo recorded in the file and shut down 9. Recording Video: camera into the camera to wait for the state this time a long green ight, long press the buton, the green light flashes three times to start video; short press the button again to stop recording, save the file, this time to restore a long bright red and green; In order to ensure shot file size and security, the system will automatically save every 50 minutes, once a file, and continue recording 10. Photo: boot, after the camera into the camera to wait for the state this time a long green light, short press the button, the green light flashes about to start taking pictures and save; press time, the green light flashes about to start taking pictures cle 11. PC Camera: boot in any mode of state to connect a computer USB port, you can enter the PC Camera (webcam) mode, in this mode you can use the camera as a PC camera, with your friends online video chat, shooting emoticons, and so on 12. Connected to a computer: In the off state or standby state, can be connected to a computer at this time, the computer will pop up a removable disk logo, image file directory as follows: Plate \ REC\ 100MEDIA; when the camera and computer to exchange data, the green light will blink rapidly; need to uninstall the camera, please click on the task bar bottom right comer of the mobile device management icons inside uninstall the removable storage device, to be systematically identified After the hardware can be safely pulled out, then disconnect the camera and computer connections 13. Charging: Connecting a computer USB port or charger, can charge the camera when the battery is charging state, the red light will blink slowly when the battery is fully charged, the red light into a long-Liang

八、 operation instructions 8. Switch Machine: Long press the button two seconds to complete the boot into standby mode, this time a long green indicator light cameras; in a light lit in any state, long press to open the key, the camera will automatically save the current photo recorded in the file and shut down. 9. Recording Video: camera into the camera to wait for the state, this time a long green light, long press the button, the green light flashes three times to start video; short press the button again to stop recording, save the file, this time to restore a long bright red and green; In order to ensure shot file size and security, the system will automatically save every 50 minutes, once a file, and continue recording. 10. Photo: boot, after the camera into the camera to wait for the state, this time a long green light, short press the button, the green light flashes about to start taking pictures and save; press time, the green light flashes about to start taking pictures and save; cycle. 11. PC Camera: boot in any mode of state, to connect a computer USB port, you can enter the PC Camera (webcam) mode, in this mode, you can use the camera as a PC camera, with your friends online video chat, shooting emoticons, and so on. 12. Connected to a computer: In the off state or standby state, can be connected to a computer at this time, the computer will pop up a removable disk logo, image file directory as follows: * Plate \ _REC \ 100MEDIA; when the camera and computer to exchange data, the green light will blink rapidly; need to uninstall the camera, please click on the task bar bottom right corner of the mobile device management icons inside uninstall the removable storage device, to be systematically identified After the hardware can be safely pulled out, then disconnect the camera and computer connections. 13. Charging: Connecting a computer USB port or charger, can charge the camera, when the battery is charging state, the red light will blink slowly when the battery is fully charged, the red light into a long-Liang;

14. Set the time: the camera provides a video file to display the time recording function you may need to set the time according to the actual value; time display format: "year. Dated Day: minutes: seconds", set the time as follows a tum off the camera - )Connect the computer -)Open the camera removable disk -> In the space below the root directory of the camera click the right mouse button -)to move the mouse pop-up menu"New"option at the top -)Select Text Document-) Select"Text Document-)to the text document named"time to note its exten sion " Txt )time to set file built; you can follow the steps above on your desktop, other disks Division, completed the other folder and then copied to the removable disk root directory b. Open the"time"a text document, enter the time settings inside the string the string by date when the minutes and seconds, "composed of several parts, to set the time, to set the following format 2009010112.01.01Y The format string portion of the time you want to set time value, pay a tention to date in the spaces with the minutes and seconds C. To confirm time setting file has been copied to the root directory, uninstall the hardware, boot, time is set to complete d. Setting a good time will be saved to the camera inside Exception handling Camera storage space is insufficient, while in the green and red light flashes about 5 seconds later, automatically save the current image file and shut down. If you want to continue to use the camera, in the image on the computer back up important files, and delete the memory of the old files to free up enough storage space; Camera battery is insufficient margin will be altenately flashes green and red light bout 5 seconds later, automatically save the current image file and shut down. If you want to continue to use the camera, please charge

14. Set the time: the camera provides a video file to display the time recording function, you may need to set the time according to the actual value; time display format: "year. Dated. Day: minutes: seconds", set the time as follows : a. turn off the camera——》Connect the computer ——》 Open the camera removable disk ——》 In the space below the root directory of the camera click the right mouse button ——》to move the mouse pop-up menu "New" option at the top ——》 Select "Text Document——》Select "Text Document——》to the text document named" time ", to note its extension". Txt ——》 time to set file built; you can follow the steps above on your desktop, other disks Division, completed the other folder and then copied to the removable disk root directory. b. Open the "time" a text document, enter the time settings inside the string, the string by "date when the minutes and seconds," composed of several parts, to set the time, to set the following format: 2009.01.01 12.01.01 Y The format string portion of the time you want to set time value, pay attention to date in the spaces with the minutes and seconds. c. To confirm time setting file has been copied to the root directory, uninstall the hardware, boot, time is set to complete. d. Setting a good time will be saved to the camera inside. Exception handling: Camera storage space is insufficient, while in the green and red light flashes about 5 seconds later, automatically save the current image file and shut down. If you want to continue to use the camera, in the image on the computer back up important files, and delete the memory of the old files to free up enough storage space; Camera battery is insufficient margin will be alternately flashes green and red light about 5 seconds later, automatically save the current image file and shut down. If you want to continue to use the camera, please charge;



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