Phase state diagram of hydrocarbons Xuanqi zhang Petroleum engineering college
Phase state diagram of hydrocarbons Xuanqi zhang Petroleum engineering college
油藏物理学一油藏烃类的相态 because oil contains gas and formation pressure continuously reduce during the development of reservoir,gas will maybe separate from oil. Hydrocarbon will translate into two-phase,that is oil and gas.So the composition will be transformed Reasons: internal cause:composition; external cause T and P
油藏物理学——油藏烃类的相态 because oil contains gas and formation pressure continuously reduce during the development of reservoir, gas will maybe separate from oil. Hydrocarbon will translate into two-phase, that is oil and gas. So the composition will be transformed. Reasons: internal cause:composition; external cause :T and P
油藏物理学一油藏烃类的相态 Phase state for oil at atmospheric T and P CrCis gas. CsC16 is liquid >C16 is solid
油藏物理学——油藏烃类的相态 Phase state for oil at atmospheric T and P C1~C4 is gas. C5~C16 is liquid >C16 is solid
油藏物理学一油藏烃美的相态 single component phase state diagram L 吕 T AC line is saturated vapour pressure curve C is critical point
油藏物理学——油藏烃类的相态 single component phase state diagram AC line is saturated vapour pressure curve C is critical point
油藏物理学一油藏烃美的相态 critical point means that all properties are same and is only single state at critical pressure and critical temperature. The point has maximum pressure and maximum temperature
油藏物理学——油藏烃类的相态 critical point means that all properties are same and is only single state at critical pressure and critical temperature. The point has maximum pressure and maximum temperature
油藏物理李一油藏烃类的相态 bicomponent phase state diagram P↑ 液Pw C 两相 B Tw 气 A 0 T
油藏物理学——油藏烃类的相态 bicomponent phase state diagram
油藏物理学一油藏烃类的相态 three point: 。C is critical point. ·Pm is cricondenbar.. Tm is cricondentherm. P>Pm liquid T>Tm gas
油藏物理学——油藏烃类的相态 three point: ● C is critical point . ● Pm is cricondenbar. ● Tm is cricondentherm. P>Pm liquid T>Tm gas
油藏物理学一油藏烃类的相态 2 two curves bubble point curve(saturated vapour pressure curve)is the borderline that gas will separate from oil. o dew point curve is the borderline that liquid will condensate from gas
油藏物理学——油藏烃类的相态 2 two curves ● bubble point curve(saturated vapour pressure curve) is the borderline that gas will separate from oil. ● dew point curve is the borderline that liquid will condensate from gas
3 three region: Liquid region Two phase region Gas phase region
3 three region: Liquid region Two phase region Gas phase region
油藏物理学一油藏烃类的相态 4 the feature of condensation region P C 1 2 3 4 5 0 T
油藏物理学——油藏烃类的相态 4 the feature of condensation region